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Missing map location

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Has anyone else experienced the problem where you can't see yourself on the map?  When it works, I see myself as a spiral circle.  However, sometimes in single missions this disappears and I never see it in campaign mode.  As a result, I can't navigate.  I tried changing the "extended map info" setting in the difficulty ptions but it won't let me change anything.  I try clicking on the disabled option and nothing happens.  

Any ideas?

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Do the missions where you see yourself on the map have a GPS? and thiose you don't not have a GPS?

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No - this mission does not have GPS. I think it's called "after Montignac". After looking further back in the forum, I found where people have indicated that when you play as a veteran you don't see your location. You have to do more of the "real life" tracking by picking out terrain etc.

Thanks very much for the reply. I guess I'll try to learn how toi navigate - don't know if that piece of reality is going to add to the fun.

Thanks GI44

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Yeap you're on the right track now - it actually adds another level of frustration intially but this will be quickly overcome, as the terrain features (forest edges / roads / villages) are very quickly IDed in OFP.

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I've tried an unofficial mission called "SF Task "hard version"" (A d*amn good mission).

I started this mission in cadet mode (were you see yourself, team and enimies on the map). After saving this mission once, when restarting the mission from the save point I obviously is in veteran mode, cannot spot myslef (or enimies or teammates) on the map. My first thought was that this had something to do with the fact that it was an unofficial mission, but maybe its a gamebug which came after 1.30 upgrade.

Havent tested this any more but i will now startoff the Red Hammer, so I'll see if it comes back.

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