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Tank battles in Arma2

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Imho BIS developers should try to play a bigger tank battle with AI crew and without them. :D

+ tank commander need info about the loaded type of main gun ammo eg. SABOT, HEAT, HE-FRAG, Canister etc

+ commander should have the highest priority to turn (override) the turret

+ AI gunners should focus on front side instead of turning the main gun/turret how they like

+ T-90: missing the unique Shtora system

+ T-90: AI should use the 9M119 Refleks missiles

+ M1A2 Tusk: loader is always exposed

+ AI should be able to release smokescreens to mask their movements

Guess there is a huge to-do list but lets hope that BIS devs will implement some specific/typical vehicle features in upcoming patches.

What else are the "must have" and "nice to have" features on current Arma2 vehicles?

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I would like to add an option to turn off a tanks (and other turreted vehicles for that matter) autotrack when moving, especially when "safe". its very annoying when traveling and the turrets is just waving around every whee knocking down trees, signs and crashing into houses.

have an option in the action menu or something "autotrack on\off" (better yet key board command). could be a way to simulate some sort of fire control system on vehicles.

only the vehicles with targeting systems would get this option so the MBTs and maybe some of the IFV/APC, but all other vehicles have to manually track

for example, currently in Arma 1 if a vehicle is moving north with its turret at its 12, and makes a turn to say the west, the turret sticks to the north, and has to manually be shifted to remain with the vehicles facing

So i dont have my ArmA 2 yet, but from the vids i have seen it seems like this is still a problem

And of course some one should add tank interiors:D

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They did improve that in ARMA2. They swing forward with the gun when you turn. Gunner tries to keep it forward. It needs for you to drive a little forward though. But clear improvement.


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Hmmm... I recently had following bugs/issues with AI gunner:

- AI gunners are turning the main gun quite often to both sides

- after a while the AI gunners tend to forget which ammo they should use and engage T72s and BRDMs (ATGM) with the machinegun :eek:

- as commander you dont know which ammo type is loaded/ready to fire, you only see the selection between commanders machingun or smoke grenades

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AI gunner on safe should keep the gun at the 12 oclock "home" position and even turn out if the commander allows.

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I think ,since this is a Combat Simulation, that the tanks should not be able to just run over anything. The small trees and stuff sure, but not big trees, say 2-3 feet thick.

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