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Something I wish Warfare included

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Don't get me wrong guys, I have no real complaints about ArmA2 or Warfare, but I am hoping to spark the interest of an experienced mod/mission maker. While I have played BIS games since OFP, I am no mission creator... Im just a rifleman in the spectrum of mission creation.

So, the things rolling around in my head are: (just play along with me here)

- Warfare style mission for the most part, but add in player triggered 'enemy' patrols in non-secure territory. This keeps movement from A to B something more than empty land. You should face the risk of enemy patrols, even if it is a small squad of AI, when traveling past secured lines

- Supply routes in Warfare are reverse how they should be. It should be that supply runs from the main base *OUT* to the bases and camps in the cities captured. So, if supply trucks are not able to make the route, the depot and camps at that city degrade and eventually are "destroyed" (loss of ownership). This makes the survival of the supply trucks very important, and the security of supply routes as well.

- Enemy AI (guerrillas?) actively attempt to re-capture towns over time. This encourages repeat actions in cities you may have captured days prior.

- Add in the SecOps so secondary missions can be played and $$$ or rank awarded upon completion. These SecOps missions are very cool, and just add flavor to any primary mission you are going after.

- $$$ should be earned only by missions, either SecOps or Primary missions of capturing the depots. $$$ should only be used in purchasing men, vehicles, weapons, ammo. Any/All buildings or fixed defenses should be based off supplies.

- Supply should be earned only by a supply truck making a complete round-trip from base>town>base

- Forward "camps" can be constructed and used as respawn points (engineer only). Only HQ and these forward bases are respawn points. These forward camps also require constant supply from HQ. Maybe they evolve with defensive units, fixed defenses, and ammo/gear crates over time as supply trucks make the trip. I suspect there should be a minimum distance between HQ and Camps to prevent too many camps... of course the number of supply trucks can also prevent the map from being filled with camps (not enough trucks to supply all camps/towns)

- Each soilder type should have at least one unique build-able fixed defense. Medic=Field hospital, Machine gunner=Machinegun nest, etc. These can only be created at the camps of course, but only if the camp (or squad?) has enough supply points to build.

- Support (Arty, Transport, etc) should have a cost (Supply?, $$$?) but be available.

I have more thoughts, but I just ran out of time to type. Again, my hope is that an experienced mission creator will see this and it may spark some interest. I am more than happy to do my part (what ever I can) in creating such a mission if someone or some group wants to take up the challenge. If I am just wasting my time because this already exists, please point me in the right direction :-)


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- Warfare style mission for the most part, but add in player triggered 'enemy' patrols in non-secure territory. This keeps movement from A to B something more than empty land. You should face the risk of enemy patrols, even if it is a small squad of AI, when traveling past secured lines...


YAY! This is a GREAT idea... wouldn't be hard to do either...add a trigger and some probability based resistance units in random areas. Then set a Game Logic for patrol... I want it!!



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So is this an addon request r wut?

I guess it is... I've been checking out the ACM Game Logic module and it might do the trick for the random patrol(s) feature request. We could dynamically create the ACM using createUnit...however, you wouldn't want every single player that is a group leader generating content or the server will fall over on itself.

Still, I think something that would make travelling between town engagements a lot more interesting for sure...



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Im not sure this is a request, just more of a thought that others (who do create the addons) may want to use... hopefully (please... alright this may be a request)

I am actually more interested in the supply routes and forward-bases than anything. I tend to play a much slower multiplayer game then most. In the past I had edited other mod makers missions (WACO by Doomguy) to slow down the rate of "income" to make the Warfare aspect of the game a bit more... lengthy. Instead of clearing an island in a few hours (usually just a few of us playing) it would take team-work over a 3-4 day period.

In fact, once our co-op group had scored half of the depots on the map, we would never really go after more. Then we would SpecOps-style behind enemy lines, take out their supply trucks (though it meant nothing), recon their base (arty strike would have been nice) and just plain had fun with it. Ocasionally one of would get shot down in a helo and we would roleplay out the "downed pilot" sitution, or whatever else we could think of to keep the Warfare type gameplay refreshing.

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YAY! This is a GREAT idea... wouldn't be hard to do either...add a trigger and some probability based resistance units in random areas. Then set a Game Logic for patrol... I want it!!



naah i don't like it:butbut:

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Depends on how it was setup. I sure wouldn't like to see enemy patrols deep into friendly territory. But closer to the front I wouldn't mind.

But I agree with TMcArthur. I never enjoyed going public and play Warfare. It was too competitive and was all about winning in the fastest way possible. Unfortunately I never got to try the waco version since I got strung up with ACE. We solved this by locking the server and playing against AI as a small squad. Much more fun for us.

The default Warfare is much too free, fast, and limitless. It encourages stupid players. I'd like to see some waco oriented game where we're only part of the big picture. Where we as human players as a squad doesn't use up any of the squad leader slots. We'd like to see some kind of kit system, where the commander grants kits to players, and the kit you have determines what you can obtain of equipment and hardware. I.e. I'd like only crewman kit equipped players to fart around in tanks, to the expense of not having much weapons to choose from. And only pilots allowed to fly aircraft. Maybe this can be done now if swicthable units work properly for multiplayer games?

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Enemy AI (guerrillas?) actively attempt to re-capture towns over time. This encourages repeat actions in cities you may have captured days prior.

You could take a page from the strategy game book (I'm thinking Civilisation, Total War): each city has an 'alignment' (one of the sides involved in the war, or neutral). When captured, they resist the occupation while gradually changing their alignment. So immediately after capture, they'd start organising heavy resistance, but it'd progressively die down the longer they remain in your control.

In addition, the presence of troops would prevent them from rebelling. So once you take over a city you need to garrison it for a while to quell the initial revolters. If everyone moves on right away, a large force of guerillas would be spawned and re-take it. After a while it becomes okay to leave it alone.

This could also open the possibility of special missions whereby you sow the seeds of revolt in cities, shifting their 'desired alignment' towards your own side or toward neutral and eventually triggering a revolt.


As for the random patrols, perhaps the enemy could send single troops (or pairs) to recon various key points on the map, and if they spot enemy forces then it could trigger an attack/ambush. That way you don't have AI squads randomly wandering around while still making non-controlled territory dangerous, and careful movement could allow you to spot the scouts and take them out before they report your position. Just an idea.

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