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Another Eastern European Setting?

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Waffen is correct in that list of enemies. There is no other plausible scenario that involves a superpower fighting on a large scale. A game featuring conflict on a large scale must have Nazis/Imperial Army/Russians/Terrorists as enemies.

NATO bonds a large portion of the world. You could do what Far Cry 2 did, and have African nations fighting it out, but that doesn't provide much scope in terms of vehicles and equipment.

Dragon Rising's story was probably written by a 10yr old.

I really want someone here to propose a scenario involving two superpowers that have equal equipment in equal quantities, that does not involve Russia.

Eastern Europe is also a perfect setting due to its sheer size and diversity. There is enough room to plant a fictional country there and have it seem realistic at the same time.

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A lot of these recent posts reek of some sort of misguided guerrilla (counter)marketing attempt by entities that may not want to see BIS succeed.

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Agreed. Cant wait to see what the OP's next topic will be. I know one thing though - it will be anti-something...

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A lot of these recent posts reek of some sort of misguided guerrilla (counter)marketing attempt by entities that may not want to see BIS succeed.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

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Second Eastern European game setting in 8 years? Oh the horror, the horror!

Is this the kind of thread this forum has degenerated to? "Must do better" is what I write on the report card.

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