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i7 + GTX295, what's the deal?

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Makes no difference. When I went to Vista x64 I tried stock clocks, I wouldn't say it got better or worse. Just more of the same.

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HT ON: When HT is on the system presents to the OS as having 8 cores

( ONLY 4 of them are real , other 4 are virtual ) , Now when the OS goes

to balance out the processes across the cores and there is a problem.

ONLY 4 are real , so how to you balance across 8 cores when only 4 exist ?

Context switching : this involves storing what ever a real core is doing (register contents / stack space)

somewhere and then switching in another context ( another cores process ) ,

this saving / restoring does 2 things.

1. Wastes time storing / restoring contexts

2. Buggers about with TIMING in critical sections of code.

I also think this may be the case.

Which CPU Numbers are given to the HT ones in XP?

In Vista #1 is the HT of #0 and so on... So even if you play with -maxcpucount=4 you will most probably end up using 2 real cores and 2 HTs (and sadly the ones on the corresponding real core) so it won't help a lot.

My feeling when playing without HT is that my FPS SLIGHTLY increase (maybe 5 more or so?) but the game runs a LOT smoother. Less little hangs. Probably this is related to caching of the CPU and screwing it up with the 2nd virtual core on the same Cache? And he has to load it new from RAM then and thus it hangs for a little moment? (it's less than a second mostly, but noticable)

Or it's about timing and stuff... who knows...

I played the single player mission 04 a few times with fraps running:

ok , I admit its not the most scientific method in the world but:

You should run Armamark 2 a few times, not counting the first run, and then add all FPS together and divide by the numbers you have run it. 4 maybe a good thing to start.

This is at least a bit reproducable. Only the units sometimes are somewhere else on the screen, which also affects performance but should fall out when running it a few times and having an average then.

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This seems to have gone well past the point of one person seeking troubleshooting help.

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