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huge decrease in performance with patch1.2

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QX 6850 xtreme @default

@ 3.6Ghz + 2FPs

@ 4.0GHZ +2Fps

8 gig ram

asus p5ke

Just to report that with patch 1.2 my performance got decreased by approximatly 50% with same settings as 1.1.

sli works with crysis.exe in main menu but i don't see any performance anymore ingame so it seems sli is still not properly supported, Huge texture lags worser than 1.1. huge and many infarcts.

altough the AI got mayor fixes it's not playable at 20 FPS so perhaps you should worry about the perf. BI not about mineur issues.

atleast 50 % of the people are complaining about the perf.

Try to Fix this first before you start fixing some mineur bugs.THX

EXAMPLE GTA IV what a total messed up game at release no mayor fixes where released in first month = many people didn't bought the game

conclusion less $$

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Same for me.

Heavy perfromance loss now. CPU usage now most of the time at 100% which results into lag.





Win 7

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Guys my suggestion..

What FPS do you get in armoury part of the game?

before I was locked out something was killing my performance, and it was either set off by MP or by changing graphic details ingame.

My suggestion would be to back up and delete you .cfg files allowing arma to create new ones(also remove saves during test. Then go in game rebind you keys and set you res and details.. _NOT_ in game but in the main menu.

Go back and adjust manually if you need to change things like render size etc, and "read-only" the files..

As I said I had really good fps in game and then after mucking about in the game for an hour or two it all went to shit even at the same settings, which leads me to believe something random in the .cfg file is causing a significant drop in fps even when SLi/Xfire is working. Sorry I can't test further until my key is unbanned, but I have replicated this 2 times.. (THis was on patch 1.01, but may affect 1.02)

Worth a try :)

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same here I got a big drop in performance with 1.2 I'm running a 4870x2 and was running the game fine before (well about as fine as this game can run right now :P) but after 1.2 I'm getting huge stutter in cities that was only minor in the earlier patch.

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hunting min 32 max 72

defend min 43 max 57

skeet min 51 max 74

city assault min 51 max 74

when IA is active in a scenario or whatever i got huge decrease in perf

trial by fire mission singleplayer min 16FPS max 27FPS unplayable IMO:nervous:

gotta disable ground details to be playable ingame > look worse the arma1:mad:

texture lag minimize with video memory deffault.

Bohemia interactive i really wonder what CPU and GFX you where using when you developped the game? ( we could use it to find a solution )

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^^ Prehaps the AI needed all that extra CPU power to learn to drive :D :yay:

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One thing I noticed was stuttering also with new patch.

I run defragger and the drive my game is installed on was highly fragmented (was 0% yesterday before applying patch), defragged and runs very nicely

Not something that would be obvious but may be the cause of the stuttering (at least was in my case)

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I've also had a significant drop in performance since installing patch - am trying a defrag now

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in Arma2Mark nearly the same performance:

Patch 1.01: average fps: 51,...

Patch 1.02: average fps 50,...

In the last test of the Armark I have more stuttering in the actual patch (both second run)

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