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Bland dull landscape

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Just got me mits on the game, and it runs fine, nice smoothe and fliud mouse controll.

Had a play around with the visual settings but cant seem to get decent detailed view of things.

Its all rather bland, monotonous and dull. I dont have the problem with Arma 1, which is bright and vibrant with detail in the distance.

Can any one advise me on what settings might resolve this.

Or is it a result of the HDR? Even on sunny days the woodlands are very dull, despite the un-natural iridecent glare of the Bloom.

I have used the gamma correction and brightness, but this dont really change things.

I hope this is a temporary symptom, not the permanent way the game looks.

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Post some screenshots. It could just be your system.

I don't find any issues personally, and quite enjoy the realism of the landscape, especially from height.

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I guess it is the game and the set time and date.

Test the following an compare: Editor, Chernarus, Weather 100% perfect, 14:00 pm and 10. May 2005 or sth.

And now open up a MP game for yourself with the mission 04 or 05, super powers. There is a big difference, the second looks really bleak here too. The other mission with the guerillas is more colorful and with best weather on a clear sky it's more in terms with Arma 1.

But the colors in general are a bit less colorful and the grass especially is really greener on the other.. ehm... Sahrani side :D

Lowering the gamma slider a bit should give you a higher contrast and you can change colors in your video card settings. Fort an ATI card look for "color" in the Catalyst Control Center and adjust the settings for "Full Screen 3D".

I'm not sure where to do this with an Nvidia card, and your monitor could be adjusted too.

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Best tip might be to check the graphics options. Is the FILLRATE under 100%? If its under 100% it looks blurred/some kind of blur filter over the screen

Try open the ARMA2.CFG and set the resolution and render resolution to the same values.


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Yep tried some of these and they seem to improve it, thanx.

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