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more soldiers in a battle ?

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is it possible to have more soldiers in a battle ? most campaign battles are kinda empty and boring.

I know you can change the AI to 1.0 but im not sure thats the AI density.

and is there any other way I can change the ammount of AI in a battle ?



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lol I think he is referring to campaign maps.

I think you could maybe edit the campaign maps to add more AI. I have no experience with that though.

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I hate it when guys post awesome video's but don't tell how to do that :P

please tell :$

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I hate it when guys post awesome video's but don't tell how to do that :P

please tell :$

Hi whoopy91

There is an editor in ArmA it lets you create your own missions.

As you play ArmA you will play hundreds of missions made by other members of the community, they and you use the inbuilt ArmA editor to do this.

There are lots of manuals on using the editor with varying complexity.

You can start with this manual here:


You can then Search that Community Wiki site for more specific information.

You also have the editing section forums here which are also search-able and are one of the best places to ask questions and get help especially on those odd sticky problems you just can not wrap your head around.

There is the specific ArmA2 editing section


BUT there is also the general editing section which is much bigger and as ArmA is largely backwards compatible right back to BIS's OFP days there is lots of scripts, tricks and ideas here that are the real treasures of ArmA/OFP editing.

The other major place and probably more important than the editing forums here, is OFPEC:


Over time big chunks of OFPEC are being moved into the Community Wiki but it is going to take a long time to move it all so OFPEC will remain a primary editing resource for some time.

Quick and simple How do a AI v AI giant battle.

First off be realistic! The bigger the battle the faster your CPU needs to be. Realy big battles will lag your system you can improve things a bit by dropping view distance.

[ctrl] [c] and [ctrl] [v]

Since before the dawn of DOS and going back into the mists of deep time and CPM there have been short cut keys to copy and paste. [ctrl] [c] and [ctrl] [v].

And since the days of Apple having the only windowed operating system there has been the mouse drawn bounding box.

With those tools it is possible to paint thousands of AI on the map whily nilly.

1) First off you create your player group:

Select Groups Mode (F2)

Your first group will be your group, if you just want to observe then make the insurgent friendly to both and place a group of Insurgents close to where you want the battle to take place, but preferably somewhere where they have a little protection.

Select Units Mode (F1)

In the control box Make the leader the player, next Press OK. Then select each sub unit of the group and set their control to playable; then you can then spawn into them if your player dies using team switch, also if you make this mission for multi player and run a server others can join you in those playable slots.

2) Next you need to decide where you are going to have the two sides fight.

Create a trigger of Type Guarded by (side) your going to need at least two of these one Guarded by BLUEFOR the other Guarded by OPFOR or West and East. Once you have made the first one and set it to to BLUEFOR or WEST. Select it, you can use the mouse bounding box if you want; and pres [ctrl] [c] then move the mouse pointer slightly to one side and [ctrl] [v] That gives you two identical guarded by BLUEFOR/WEST triggers. Change one of them to Guarded By OPFOR/EAST and place them both over the geographical feature you want the two sides to fight over.

These are what will draw your AI into fighting for the same thing.

You probably want to bounding box select you group and drag them to somewhere near that spot.

You can change the size and shape of the triggers or use more than one per side to give multiple points to fight over. You need one for each side to make both of them fight over them though but be focused about it. Don'T just make a giant one and expect a great battle. Long ovals or boxes work well for lines you can also [shift] and left click drag the triggers boundary direction.

3) Next you need your two waring factions.

Select Groups Mode (F2)

I would suggest you make 5 standard reference groups for each side. I tend to place these groups out at sea to begin with as it makes it easier to see them.

Start with the OPFOR

A Tank Group

An Infantry group

A Mechanised Infantry group

A Helicopter group

A Jet group.

Place them along an east west grid line facing north

Make sure the aircraft are flying

Select Units Mode (F1)

Double click each air unit and in the [special] option box set them to flying, then Press OK. Otherwise they are on the ground and next to useless if jets unless on the apron of a runway.

You now need to have them all facing the right way. So bounding box select them then press and hold the Shift key while left clicking on and holding one of the groups. You will now be able to drag them to Face the correct direction. If you you let go of the shift button you can then drag them to a position where you can work with them.

Now Repeat for BLUFOR/WEST

Now repeat the process with the BLUEFOR/WEST side. And drag their direction so they are facing the east side.

You should now have two template groups and an observer force. I would suggest you save this as an editable mission for future use call it template 1 or some such.

4) Making them fight each other, the wonders of the near mythical Guard waypoint

As they stand they will fight each other but not with any real passion. We need something they want to fight over. We have already created the something with the Guarded by triggers but these AI you have created have not been told to guard them yet!

The guard waypoint is the most important thing in the editor. With it wonders are created.

Select Waypoints Mode (F4)

Make sure you have no groups selected by clicking once on a clear bit of map.

Now select the leader of a group with a single click and while the mouse is over that unit double click and the waypoint dialogue will come up.

You only need to make one change and that is to change the select type dialogue and change it to Guard. Press OK.

Now once again make sure you have no groups selected by clicking once on a clear bit of map.

Now repeat that process with each of 9 other group leaders of your 10 template groups.

Save again and overwrite the first save if you wish.

5) Now to create the battle

First things first, we do not want to mess up our template; so Save again but rename it to something like "My first battle"

What kind of battle do you want? One side defending the other attacking? Or a meeting engagement with both sides charging toward each other in a cataclysmic clash? Even sides? One side having more tanks while the other has more helicopters? Now is the time to think of your narrative. What's the Story Morning Glory?

Ready to begin? It is just like painting but you colours are crimson and fire fluorescent green and smoke black.

For this example I am going to assume the East are Attacking the western lines

Bounding box select the BLUEFOR infantry group. Then hover your mouse over them and press [ctrl] [c] you have now copied that group!

Now to begin painting!

Hover you mouse over where you want you first infantry group somewhere in your Guarded by waypoints and press [ctrl] [v] and that will paste that group, use it to set up you infantry front lines by pasting multiple units along the line. Your Guarded by Triggers should be made to conform to the line you want defended.

Now repeat the copy and paste with your mechanised infantry placed back behind the line as reserves.

Save the game in case of mishaps or as a second template

Now paint you tank groups on the flanks. With some mixed in with your infantry and a few groups back in reserve.

Now Paint in your helicopters 500 to 900 meters back on each flank to cover your open flanks.

Finally paint a few jet groups well back from every thing.

Now do your attacking force. An infantry screen at the front and depending on if you want pincer or a spear attack your tanks mixed in with your Mechanised infantry. Then a mass of infantry at the back

Place your helicopters and jets closer in to the attacking force so they will do CAS runs to break the WEST lines.

Give the attacking force a two to one advantage three to one if you want them to be fairly certain of winning.

Save the mission as editable!

Now test it! Press preview and start watching the battle.

Tidying up and Refining

If it is not balanced right either delete units or copy and paste more for one side.

You left a whole bunch of template units out at sea either delete them or drag them into the battle.

You may want to place some individual units such as Anti Aircraft units to alter balance, or some Cannons in the front line or some anti tank missiles and ambulances etc.

Do not forget you can always place your self on one of the sides so you can get involved in the battle.

Any way hope you find this of use.

Kind regards walker

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Great Walker,

I found this really useful....

One thing you didn't explain....If I'm ordering OPFOR to assault BLUFOR positions....which waypoints are the best to use for what? Should I give another guard command to move them... or is their a guide I can find to use them?

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Okay so I set this up like a meeting engagement

I put the guard waypoint on the group leader then give him another guard wp in the town I want him to move too...

But the groups just sit there...nobody moves?

Do i even need to put down more way points? If they are already in the Trigger's range will units automatically move to defend them?


Edited by Jblack9

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Hi Jblack9

A single Guard waypoint should be sufficient for each group.

Each side will move toward their guarded by (side) trigger.

Guard waypoints are never completed except by script. So any Waypoints's after a guard waypoint unless you have some form of script, will not be used.

Since you only wish the units to fight over a location you do not need anymore waypoints.

You can if you wish have a single group such as a scout unit from each side with no guard wayponts just ordinary move way points intiaite the contact.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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And maybe add a bit of RADIUS on some of the waypoints so the patrols gets a bit more random everytime. ;) They will move to a different point inside the radius you specify everytime they come to it. And end with CYCLE to make them walk around endlessly.


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Hi Jblack9

A single Guard waypoint should be sufficient for each group.

Each side will move toward their guarded by (side) trigger.

Guard waypoints are never completed except by script. So any Waypoints's after a guard waypoint unless you have some form of script, will not be used.

Since you only wish the units to fight over a location you do not need anymore waypoints.

You can if you wish have a single group such as a scout unit from each side with no guard wayponts just ordinary move way points intiaite the contact.

Kind Regards walker


But how far is the range of the trigger for it to be effective....because the units were just standing there even if i didn't give them another waypoint other than the guard on their leader. Should I expand the size of the trigger to make sure the groups are included? Can the trigger be large enough for towns and even cities?

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Hi Jblack9

The size you give to a Guarded By (Side) trigger marks the area the unit in that side that are set to guard must Guard.

So it needs to be the size of the area you want to fight over. So if you want the AI to fight for a city you need to make the size of the trigger big enough to encompass the city.

The trigger does not need to have the Guard units in it. In fact in meeting engagement that would be against the purpose.

If the AI are not moving check that the Guarded By (side) triggers are set to the correct sides.

You may need to set a scout unit for each of the two sides with normal move waypoints so that they meet, just initiate contact.

If you have not got it working by Friday I will do an example mission for you.

Kind Regards walker

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Thanks Walker - Final Question: Do I need to link the groups to the trigger, or just being in the trigger range will allow them to work?

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Hi Jblack9

No no linking needed

Good to go

Kind Regards walker

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