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RPG-7 Performance against tracked IFV/APC

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Using v1.01

Can someone verify that it takes about 2-3 Hits with an RPG-7 on the vehicles side armor (aiming point turret ring) for a catastrophic kill, as opposed to 1 hit with the SMAW? I´m not saying this is wrong, just want it confirmed.

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Yeah yesterday we played the great Dynamic War by ACE[5th] on our TK server. We all noticed it. Don't know if this is realistic, but it takes 3 rounds for the LAV-25 or 1 satchel and one rpg to destroy the LAV-25HQ...

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thear are 3 kinds of ammo for the rpg is the efect by all 3 kinds the same?for smaw thera re two kinds of ammo what have you use´d?

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OFP/ARMA was never really know for its realistic armor and penertration modeling. It takes liberties in this area for the sake of balance, performance and gameplay. For example a LAV-25 is only armored to stop heavy machine gun and light auto cannon fire at a good distance and is vulnerable to 12.7 bullets at very close range (100m-ish). Any shaped charge weapon would have no trouble with it

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@Flanker15, true. My main concern was MP, and the red side not having an equivalent to the SMAW.

Just ran a quick test in the Editor, for different RPG warheads.


Target: Bmp-2

Distance: 100m

Orientation: 90°

Aiming point: turret ring

Hits required for a catastrophic kill

PG-7V (RL Penetration ~330mm RHA) - 5

PG-7VL (RL Penetration ~550mm RHA) - 3

PG-7VR (RL Penetration ~700mm RHA) - 1

Results of the second run were consistent with the first.

I guess it goes without saying that any of these warheads would penetrate the BMP series vehicles from any side or angle mentionable, but i also understand that it doesn't automatically mean a catastrophic kill.

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I guess it goes without saying that any of these warheads would penetrate the BMP series vehicles from any side or angle mentionable, but i also understand that it doesn't automatically mean a catastrophic kill.

When dealing with small(er) HEAT warheads, the angle of impact makes a huge difference for the penetration figures.

In case of a BMP, it's highly sploped front hull has been known to stop and even deflect PG-7 types and smilar penetrators.

Other than that though, I agree with you.



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ive noticed with the HEAA SMAW round ( 550mm pen) that one shot to side with it is enought to force the AI to abandon a T-72 and T-90 with 2 round needed to cause it to completely explode though the HEDP round with only 50mm pen cant cant even cause the AI to abandon a BTR-90 let alone a BRDM-2

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@DreDay, agreed, didn't consider possibility of projectile deflection and failure to detonate, would be cool to have it modelled in Arma.

I´m no expert on this, but i would think that if a HL charge goes off upon contact, there's a good chance of it penetrating a vehicle with the armor thickness of a BMP, despite the angle.


This is a caption of Bundeswehr munition tests against former NVA equipment. In this case a HL charge penetrated the gun barrel of a T-72M1 completely at an extreme angle. :eek:

The projectile type is not not mentioned, i would think of either 120mm DM12, or PzFst 3. Both having similar armor penetration capabilities.

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