yyccccc 10 Posted June 9, 2009 Code Sample _projectile = nearestobject [_this select 0,_this select 4]; setacctime 0.5; _camera = "camera" camCreate (getpos _projectile); _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; while{alive _projectile && alive _camera}do { _camera camSetTarget _projectile; _camera camSetRelPos [0,-13,1.2]; _camera camCommit 0; sleep 0.001; }; if(alive _camera)then{sleep 1}; _camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]; camdestroy _camera; setacctime 1; Edit: Also remember this in the unit's init line: Code Sample this addeventhandler ["fired",{_this execVM "cam.sqf"}] question 1 : sometimes the camera appearing at the sea, what is the matter? question 2 : when I play as a M1A1 gunner how can I stop friendlyAi from using the camera follow script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted June 9, 2009 1. You cannot always guarantee that the projectile will be found. If it's not found, then getPos will be [0,0,0] which is at sea. Unfortunately they didn't add the extra param's of vbs2 in fired EH. Add a safeguard: if (isNull _projectile) exitWith {player sideChat "Projectile could not be tracked"}; 2. Add a check something like: if (gunner (_this select 0) != player) exitWith {}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites