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Numeric variables (decimal issue)

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I encountered a little "issue" (well it isnt really one) and I don´t know how to overcome it...

I need exact position data and therefor I need variables which dont get round up or down. Is there any possibility to define how many decimal numbers after the koma are used by a variable or how to turn off the rounding completly?

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I'm not sure if I understand the problem correctly. But there are many math commands that deal with number rounding in the usual ways.

To define i.e 2 numbers behind the comma, you can multiply by 100, do a round or integer on it, then divide it by 100 again.

Note that you can come to experience a weird 'computer bug' if you're dealing with 'extraction of numbers' this way. Due to the way processors work behind the comma, you could end up with a situation where 0.7*10 isn't 7, but 6.9999999999998 (not tested, just a generic example). Doing an int operation here causes the result to be 6 which naturally is way off.

Not sure if this is applicable, but it has caused me some nightmares in the past before I was made aware of it.

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MoS, I suggest you find another way to do what you want to do.

It looks like the engine still uses single precision floating-point numbers (aka "floats"). So the numbers in ARMA have at least 6 significant digits and a magnitude between about 10^-38 and 10^38.

Dealing with floating-point numbers is a special kind of fun most people don't really enjoy:

player sideChat str (3.402823 * 10^38); // 3.40282e+038
player sideChat str (3.402824 * 10^38); // 1.#INF (exceeds max. float)

player sideChat str (sqrt(2)^2);        // 2
player sideChat str (sqrt(2)^2 == 2);   // FALSE
player sideChat str (2^24 == 2^24 + 1); // TRUE

If you are truly determined you should read this document.

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