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Red hammer "kill 2 of 3 officers"-mission

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Can anyone give me a clue how to solve it? I tried it at least 25 times and now I'm tired of trying...



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Is this the mission where you have to enter Guba's main base? If it is then it's a piece of piss. Just sit on the hill above the main compound and take out every thing in sight.

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Or is this the mission where you have to kill the NATO officers coming from two different directions to some town? The one right after you become a Spetz Natz?

If so, loop around the town until you are on the side where the church is. While watching the town, move to your left. You'll see a building with a jeep parked next to it. Two of the officers are in there, but once you start shooting, a whole bunch of guys starts coming after you, so time for some sniping fun. (As a note, forget the satchels during set up, get extra mags for the Dragunov).

Now, I don't know if this is semi-random or what, but the third officer isn't in the town. He comes in an M113 (AFAICT) about 20 minutes or more into the level. Once you blow up the M113 (which is coming from the north) you get the complete indicator and can hoof it for the chopper.


Dr. Charm

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I waited for the 1st M113 to come, and blew it up. Then i went to the town where to officers would meet. I spotted the 2nd M113 and blew it up. Easy, next i feel like rambo when my mate gets shot so i run into town killing everybody. I had to crawl back to the chopper because i was shot in my legs.

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ok hide in one of the buildings on the road where the 2 m113's come on hide in a buildings the the church, ussualy when entering the area u should kill a law guy, take his laws, get up in a window and sniper everything in sight wait for the m113's take em out 1 by 1 as they approach, MAKE SURE U SAVE IT WHEN UR SNIPERING. the enemy gets real gutsy and runs in the buildings and finds u and kills u. once u take out both those m113's, when i did i felt like the gutsy one then and decided to take out the 3rd officer, i killed the guard guys, was like 5-6 i had my guy run around the side of the building while i distracted there attention and he took a few of them out while i had the 3rd member a block down from me guarding my ass from behind, and belive it or not when i weas leaving the area i went to see if he was dead, and theres a pile of bodies in front of him lol! so none of my guys was killed, i killed 3 officers, and tons of infantry, and got my 2 guys AND me safe back to the helicopter!

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Now I know the one! I took out the patrols to the east of your start position and picked up a G36 and a LAW, then took out the rest of the patrols across near the road.  After that I proceeded to the town and took out the other M113 and as many other enemy troops as possible and then retreated..............easy.

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Notice how the M113's are turned out? Take out the drivers, then the gunners.... A brand new M113 for you and your friend to use!


Then you can clean out the remaining troops with ease.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Mar. 08 2002,18:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Notice how the M113's are turned out? Take out the drivers, then the gunners.... A brand new M113 for you and your friend to use!


Then you can clean out the remaining troops with ease.<span id='postcolor'>

They're waiting for u to kill them. biggrin.gif

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Ummmm, there is a mission just like that right after the massacre with the civilians. 2 NATO officers and the REsistance officer. One of the best missions IMO. The end surprised me TOTALLY!!! wow.gif

Very well done, and yet another example of how to combine stealth with 'gung-ho' mentality smile.gif

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I tried to snipe the officers, but i could kill only one of them from outside the town, so i killed with the SVD all the soldiers i could, picked up a Steyr AUG from a death soldier and entered the town to kill the other officers. You should also pick up a LAW because there are some m113's. You only have to kill 2 of the officers.

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