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Editor Question

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Hey, I have been having an absolute blast creating large scale battles and just watching the destruction in the editor ex lots of anti air units vs an armada of planes.

My question is, I would love to drop like a hundred paratroopers out of few C130s onto a battlefield but I can't get the units to appear loaded already into the C130. I tried having their options as "In Cargo" and put them ontop of the planes that are in the air, but that doesn't work.

Can someone let me know how to get those units preloaded and what waypoints I need to set them at to get them to jump out or eject?

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I doubt the syntax has changed much since Arma, but if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me.

Add this to the init of your group leader

{_x moveincargo  [b]PLANE NAME[/b]} forEach units [b]GROUP NAME[/b]

At least that's what I think it is offhand. I'm rusty.

Obviously plane name = whatever you named the C-130 and group name = the name assigned to the group in question.

And you'll probably need to write a script if you want them all to drop at once. At least that's how it had to be done in OFP.

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1. Give your C130 a name, like "myC130"

2. Select the leader of your paratrooper group and paste this into the init field:

{_x moveincargo myC130} forEach units group this

3. Give your C130 2 move waypoints. Paste this into the OnActivation field of the 2nd waypoint:

{_x action["EJECT",myC130]; unassignvehicle _x} foreach (assignedCargo myC130);

Edited by ])rStrangelove

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They dont jup out at the second waypoint, do you have to set a certain height for the planes to fly at first?

I tested it by being a member of 1 of the groups, they all stayed in the plane, also I placed myslef on the ground at the second wp, planes just flew straight on past without people jumping out.

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It certainly does mate, I was trying to use 2 C130s, not sure what I did wrong.

Ty btw

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Yep I did that but I also syncronised the planes, does that matter?

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