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Badland Mission Not Ending

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I've just played through this mission for a second time, and am unable to proceed to whatever is next. I have taken all of the 4 towns and done the two tertiary tasks.

When I have taken the last town (I was sure to do them "in order" the second time around), the cut-scene plays (where I am speaking to the beat up villagers on the bench). Once the dialogue has played, I am able to move a little forward or back- then I jump back to the original spot in a loop. No end of mission kicks in.

Anyone have any better experience with finishing this mission? It seems like it's got a bug.

Besides that, this is a damned fine game.

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I was doing that mission yesterday. I took the four towns but the mission didn't end either. I'm going to try doing the other two optional tasks today.

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The other two optional tasks didn't help with the bug when I did them.

I've seen a few other posts on this, so it's not just us.

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I just spent the last 12 hours doing this mission 3 or 4 times. both with and with out the secondary missions. This game is totally dissappointing for me becuase of the bugs it is unplayable in campaign mode, simply because we cant advance to the next mission. First theres the bug of team mates not responding in the mission before badlands (if you went to nappa) as well as ignoring your orders until you take the first town. Plus theres the annoying things like hold fire, and what happens? Bang one of your teamates fingers slip on the trigger every time, when you want to sneak up on your enemy for a closer look or better view. Thens there's the bugs in complex commands such as keep low, what do they do they stand up in the open after 3 seconds giving away my positions to the enemy.

Now am not saying the game is shit cos its not infact its epic, and no doubt will be a great game once all the bloody bugs have been sorted out. But what does worry me is that more and more developers are releasing games that are not polished off or even ready to be released to the general public, and this game is perfect example of that its still beta. And to top it off the fact that the patch made more bugs appear or problems for people that had played the 1.01 version without problems, just says to me that even the dam patches are not tested throughly.

I bought and paid hard earn cash even harder earnt in this recession to play. i did not buy this game to be a bloody beta tester. so BIS sort your act out.

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Hold Fire means "don't fire first". If they get shot at they will ignore the order, which makes sense.

I agree with the rest.

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Hold Fire means "don't fire first". If they get shot at they will ignore the order, which makes sense.

I agree with the rest.

Exactly but when i tell my team mates to hold fire they dont. As soon as they see the enemy, even though ive told them to hold fire they will shoot first, which is why i was complaining about it. Sorry if i wasnt clear about that in the above post Dvolk.

P.s found solution in an other thread about the borderlands mission not ending, all you do is press left shift and numpad minus together then type endmission. Note that no text box pops up so it like typing endmission invisibly. that will then end the mission and send u on to the next mission.

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