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How stealthy is the Bicycle? Like can it be targeted?

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Im incredibly curious to know just how stealthy is the bike? like can a KA or Cobra actually lock onto it with a missile? (would be pretty dissappointing if it can be locked onto).

I'm getting ideas about how i'd like to use it to sneak up onto a enemy base in Warfare to lase for my GBU mate's.

So what have you guys discovered about the bike from using it so far in ArmA 2? Just HOW stealthy is this majestic creature indeed!

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I just tested the bicycle and AH-1Z in the editor with the 1.01 beta patch installed, and yes; the bicycle can be locked on with a heat-seeking missile.

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I just tested the bicycle and AH-1Z in the editor with the 1.01 beta patch installed, and yes; the bicycle can be locked on with a heat-seeking missile.

LOL! I wonder what kinda of damage model it has....

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I just tested the bicycle and AH-1Z in the editor with the 1.01 beta patch installed, and yes; the bicycle can be locked on with a heat-seeking missile.


well i don't know if it'll be possible but thats one thing BIS will DEFINATELY need to patch :) lol how's a soldier spose to go ninja on a bicycle when a heat seaking missile keeps wanting to get a dink :P

(dink means hitch a ride on a bicycle)

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