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AI and vegetation

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I would like to know if vegetation especially grass is able to hide me from AI or not at all ? Because right now it seems to make things harder (to see and aim) for me only...

So should i stop trying to hide in grass ?

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It does hide you from AI, although they may remember your position and shoot where they last saw you, or expect you to be. Hope I've helped, but next time I suggest you search for the answer, though, as this has been discussed many, many times ;)

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In current version, do not hide behind grass = clutter.

In future patch we were promised that this would be fixed.


It does hide you from AI, although they may remember your position and shoot where they last saw you, or expect you to be. Hope I've helped, but next time I suggest you search for the answer, though, as this has been discussed many, many times ;)

@SaBrE_UK: That is not correct. Clutter do not protect you from AI, "YET"

Edited by bravo 6

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It does hide you from AI, although they may remember your position and shoot where they last saw you, or expect you to be. Hope I've helped, but next time I suggest you search for the answer, though, as this has been discussed many, many times ;)

many many times but you still don't have the correct answer

do you have arma2 ?

In current version, do not hide behind grass = clutter.

In future patch we were promised that this would be fixed.


@SaBrE_UK: That is not correct. Clutter do not protect you from AI, "YET"

ok thanks

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Bravo6 seems to have a axe to grind about the clutter, he talks about it a lot (unless it is someone else; in that case I apologise).

Officially it does work, as I have seen from many videos and reports of those with the game. What is not working is the grass layer at a distance, to hide troops who are prone in the far distance. The AI still do not see you if you hide behind clutter.

If I am indeed wrong somehow, I apologise for that, also. Anyone else got a take on this?

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Currently the A.I. of ArmA 2 is cheating in some kind's.

If you stand behind a house and A.I. is walking along right the other side of the house, then they do reccognize you too.

So the A.I. of ArmA 2 got a visionary behaviour. :D

I hope this will be changed in one of the next patches.

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Currently the A.I. of ArmA 2 is cheating in some kind's.

If you stand behind a house and A.I. is walking along right the other side of the house, then they do reccognize you too.

So the A.I. of ArmA 2 got a visionary behaviour. :D

I hope this will be changed in one of the next patches.

Are you sure they arent reacting to the sound you make by walking? (Like in ArmA1 and OFP where the AI has super 'hearing', they shouldnt know that you are the enemy untill they actually see you)

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Are you sure they arent reacting to the sound you make by walking? (Like in ArmA1 and OFP where the AI has super 'hearing', they shouldnt know that you are the enemy untill they actually see you)

It was possible in OFP and ArmA that just pure presence did give away player or AI. Some mods which boosted AI's "senses", so they started to have sort of "automatic reveal"-zone around them.

Could be that, could be not.

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Are you sure they arent reacting to the sound you make by walking? (Like in ArmA1 and OFP where the AI has super 'hearing', they shouldnt know that you are the enemy untill they actually see you)

Hi all

That is simple to test experimentally.


Make mission in the editor .

Make player a member of two person BLUEFOR group so you get the camera mode as commander, place your BLUEFOR AI Not in Formation away from the position behind the house you wish to observe from.

Add an OPFOR group of 1 unit with waypoints that take down the test street.


To conduct the test.

First run

1) Set your BLUEFOR AI to Stop [F2], [1], [6].

2) Stay still

3) Use the camera in the command mode to observe the OPFOR AI's reactions

Second run

1) Set your BLUEFOR AI to Stop [F2], [1], [6].

2) Move about

3) Use the camera in the command mode to observe the OPFOR AI's reactions

Do each three or four times.


Make a table of results

First Run with static player number of times AI spots Player = n out of X times

Second Run with moving player number of times AI spots Player = n out of X times

Post the results here.

Suggested improvements to the experiment

Save and post a copy of the mission so others can run the experiment and confirm the results.

FRAPS the results so others may observe the experiment.

Do variations of movement to see what triggers the result

Do variations of location and buildings to see how environmental changes affect the result.


Alter Skill

Alter rank

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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In current version, do not hide behind grass = clutter.

In future patch we were promised that this would be fixed.


@SaBrE_UK: That is not correct. Clutter do not protect you from AI, "YET"

So its pointless to have grass on in this version?

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