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Bugs (stupid features?) carried over from ArmA 1

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Hi Folx,

these 2 anoying bugs have come a long way...but are still alive :(

-Remapped TAB Button (next Target) don't work. Tried to map it to a Joystick Button (for targetting with an aircraft) but it doesn't work.

-Throttle on Joysticks doesn't work properly: it's like a digital throttle. you can speed up...or brake. nothing else. you are not able to keep a speed.

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I don't have the throttle issue somehow...atleast in helis. I can fine tune hight in helis with the throttle. Haven't yet looked at it while flying a plane.

One thing that still seems to be odd like it was in Arma 1 is that you have an instant lock on a target. You just need to tab your way through targets while hammering the fire button.

Edited by Shadowclaw

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in helis its okay....better then arma 1. in arma 1 the throttle didn't seem to have a deadzone in the middle, so i was constantly (slowly) moving up and down. thats better in arma 2 now. but planes throttle really suck.

if you wanna do a ground attack run with the A10 cannon for example, you got to look at the spee all the time...cause there are 3 options:

throttle accelarate: you end up being way to fast

throttle deccelarate: you stall and crash

constantly watching speed and fine tuning throttle like this -> + - + - + - + - to meintain a good attack speed.

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yes! very annoying that planes don´t have linear throttle.... it´s speed up, hold (which is a small zone in the middle) and brake...

you don´t have direct throttle control... that´s most frustrating...

also, every axis that can go from 1 to -1 has an unremovable dead zone in the middle and is more sensitive while going positive

this absolutely needs fixing

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