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Special Edition

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Anyone know if the special edition will be released in english? i want this.

look: http://www.cqe.cz/vypis_produk.php?navi=IDPC0192


Index limited version:

- Military backpack instead of a box with logo

- Maskacova wallet with logo

- 2x piece of paper (card board razor team figures)

- 5x postcard from Cernarusi

- Map

- T-shirts

- Soundrack

- Own game


will this be available in english?

where can i buy it? (yes i am this sad)

Edited by Grimfist

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Fuck, sign me up!

I'd love a special edition for ArmA 2 and all those goodies, and i do need a new wallet since my old one is falling apart :p

As soon as pre-orders are up and running in Holland and this is among them, i wont care about costs anymore lol.

This is like the most epic Special Edition ive ever seen, they almost owe it to me to bring it to Holland as well! ;D

I'd import it if i have too!

Edited by SiC-Disaster

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- 2x piece of paper


Think Ill stick with the normal version as I will never use any of that stuff and the bag the game is in won slot in nicly with the games on my shelf :bounce3:

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"- Maskacova wallet with logo"

Maskacova means with military(camouflage) design/look


"- 2x piece of paper"

lol, are supposed to be 2x paper figures/figurines (I don't know of what :) )

Although they don't mention it here: http://xzone.cz/nahledgame.php3?idg=2423

But atleast there is a better picture of the bag :)


Also the T-shirt is only one.

Edited by IronTrooper

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I hoped for some decent maculature :D

Maybe they'll also introduce some non pro-usa camouflage for backpack in future. I hate ACU :P

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