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Ok, I just have 2 questions

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This was probably already answered here but anyway, here goes: does the game support SLI? Will the game be available on Steam? The day before yesterday it appeared on the "coming soon" tab on Steam, but then it disappeared. Thanks

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I think the answer to both of those is yes.

According to a member here, the coming soon announcement that vanished mentioned a July 7th release on Steam. I dunno how accurate that will be to be honest, but we really don't have that much release info.

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I'm more concerned about the SLI support. Releasing a game like ArmA II, in this day and age, WITHOUT SLI/CrossfireX support would be just plain stupid. I have a 9800GX2 and I SHOULD be able to fully use it with this game

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I believe there is going to be sli/crossfire support. I see no reason why BIS wouldn't at this point, but I do keep reading conflicting comments on the support. Not sure if there was an official word on the Twitter Q n A on it or not.

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Bump for official word

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Bump for official word

Well if one of the cards is enough to max it out it's no need.

I mean sure SLI is a great feature but the game seems to be very optimized this time around and hopefully you won't need SLI unless you've got it with older cards.

One 9800GTX was reported in the London preview to be running the game on High-Very High.

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