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You can use the microphone in ArmAII?

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If you're using ts or other exstrenal von programs, it's possible ( you'll need 2 soundcards though )

The internal von of arma, it's not possible, and i'm quite sure it's not possible for a2 either.

No need for two soundcards, my sound software allows me to split up my front and back jacks for sound output or input.

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Hi LaMuerteX

ArmA 1 includes VOIP

It has several channels tied to in game chat as well:

White Global Channel: speak/chat to everyone on server

Blue Side Channel: speak/chat to everyone on your side

Green Group Channel: speak/chat to everyone in your group

Yellow Vehicle Channel: speak/chat to everyone in your vehicle

Magenta Direct Channel: speak to anyone on in audible range, called direct chat it produces the sound at you avatar, the avatars mouth moves at the same time, it alerts enemy in your vicinity to your position, so use with caution.

Since upadate 1.16 seems to work well.

I am guessing ArmA II will have something similar if not the same

Kind Regards walker

i wish your character would move his mouth in every channel, makes it more realistic.

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he does, and even more important, even if sombody is talking in group channel, and you're not in his group, if you're close anough, you can still hear him talk!

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he does, and even more important, even if sombody is talking in group channel, and you're not in his group, if you're close anough, you can still hear him talk!

Thats one of the amazing things or Arma's voip, but what really would be nice, is that the evironment sounds (explosions, engines) would also be transmitted vaguely.

(you can do that if you use speakers... but thats not really a good solution)

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