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Video Making/Editing

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Does anyone know if Arma2 will have a "freeview" sort of feature in the game where as you can control the camera and just let AI do all the action, as i have plans to make several videos in this way, as recording in first-person with the HUD and weapon showing just wont cut the mustard im afraid.... so to my question, will ARMA2 have recording facilities for me (I.E:- freeview camera)



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I would assume so, seeing as both Arma and OFP had one, so yes, there probably will be one.

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:D thats good, could any of you intilectual chaps happen to frequent me on how to achieve this awesomeness


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Maybe if they havn't done it or maybe it alreayd in the game, it would be cool if you could be a camera man for a news outlet or in Army. Or have one tag along.

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:D thats good, could any of you intilectual chaps happen to frequent me on how to achieve this awesomeness


With the risk of going OT, I'd like to second this question (how to do it in ArmA1 that is).

edit: Nevermind.


Edited by maxter

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as with most games there are commands you can enter in your console in dev mode to eliminate the huds etc for filming... ive done quite a few films for various games but sometimes i leave the hud in, sometimes i dont..

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Maybe if they havn't done it or maybe it alreayd in the game, it would be cool if you could be a camera man for a news outlet or in Army. Or have one tag along.

That's actually a pretty good idea. I'd like to see a mod where your in-game team has an AI-controlled camera man following and taking 'shaky-cam' video of points of interest, such as aircraft flyovers and firefights, and taking cover when the bullets start flying.

It would look similar to the shaky cam in the faction trailers for the Arma2 factions but would be done dynamically by an AI camera man rather than scripted camera movements. Once the scenario is over you could watch the video for a cinematic perspective. Dunno how this would be done or if it even can, but it would be a nice ability to mod in.

Edited by alan8325

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