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Hi all.

Is there a simple way to create a mobile respawn point ie: MHQ. I have tried various ways but cant seem to get anything to work. I have searched forum but found nothing. Would appreciate any help Thanks...

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Not really.... you have to use scripting to move the "Respawn_West" marker to where the vehicle is located for example every 5 seconds.

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That beam thing is pretty good. A lot easier to impliment into mission.

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here's another of my "in evo, it's done by..." posts.

in evo, it's done by scanning for the mhq when you die and offering you the choice of spawning there. all it does is relocate you to the mhq's location. my random evo has a tweaked version which takes account of mhq being full or being airlifted or driving, if you can be bothered to look.

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Thanks for all your replys, was hoping there was a simple script I could add to the mission lol. Never mind I will look into your suggestions, many thanks :-)

btw @11aTony, im not really sure what you mean about a beam thing?

@ Mr Fenix, your version of evo sounds good, is it possible to download it somewhere so i can look at the scripting. thanks

Edited by LockJaw-65-

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create/edit your init.sqf file and add:

this exec "locator.sqs";

create locator.sqs and put in:




lockjawready = TRUE

PUBLICVARIABLE "lockjawready"

_POLOZAJ_1 = GetPos hq

"mhq" setmarkerpos _POLOZAJ_1

goto "Loop"

Then create medic M113 and name it "hq" and create marker with name "mhq" with text "Mobile HQ". Thats basically it, try it out :)

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create/edit your init.sqf file and add:

create locator.sqs and put in:

Then create medic M113 and name it "hq" and create marker with name "mhq" with text "Mobile HQ". Thats basically it, try it out :)

im using this script and respawn vehicle scripts for my mobile hq (in ARMA2). its working fine, thill a mhq get destoryed. after its destoryed, the marker just moves to the bottom left corner and wont update to the correct position anymore.

the respawn vehicle script sets a name to the freshly respawned vehicle (but maybe its bugged, how can that it got its proper name after respawn?)

im tried Norrin's vehicle respawn script, and Mr. Murray's vehicle respawn (those are sets up a name to the respawning vehicle).

Norrin's vehicle respawn script (using it with v = [this, "hq", 10] execVM "vrs_AI_general.sqf" in the LAV-25HQ's init)

private ["_vcl","_respawndelay","_dir","_pos","_type","_run","_delay"];

if (!local Server) exitWith {};

_vcl = _this select 0;
_name_vcl = _this select 1;
_respawndelay = _this select 2;
_dir = Getdir _vcl;
_pos = Getpos _vcl;
_type = typeOf _vcl;

_run = TRUE;
sleep 5;

for [{}, {_run}, {_run}] do
while {canMove _vcl || canFire _vcl} do  
     sleep 1;
while {!canMove _vcl && count crew _vcl > 0 || !canFire _vcl && count crew _vcl > 0} do
     sleep 1;
_delay = Time + _respawndelay;
while {!canMove _vcl && Time < _delay && count crew _vcl == 0 || !canFire _vcl && Time < _delay && count crew _vcl == 0} do
     sleep 1;
 if (!canMove _vcl && Time >= _delay && count crew _vcl == 0 || !canFire _vcl && Time >= _delay && count crew _vcl == 0) then
       deleteVehicle _vcl;
         _vcl = _type createVehicle _pos;
       _vcl setVehicleVarName _name_vcl;
       _vcl setdir _dir;
         sleep 1;
         _vcl setvelocity [0,0,0];
         _vcl setpos _pos;
         sleep 1;
         _vcl setvelocity [0,0,0];
       sleep 2;

till it destroyed, everything is fine. the marker follows the HQ, i can respawn to its position. after its get destroyed, its just loose its marker.

any help appreciated, thanks!

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Necesito su ayuda. Como hago un respawn_west_mobil y como puedo seleccionar entre respawn_west_mobil y respawn_west??????????
I need your Help, How can I do respawn_west_mobile and how can I do select betwn base respapawn and mobile respawn????????????

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