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Squad in Helicopter help

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Ok, this is so simple and I don't know why it isnt working for me, so maybe you guys can help me.

I am trying to create a mission and have a helicopter come and pick up my units. I am trying to do this with out the waypoint system.

Here is what I have going on so far.

BlackHawk helicopter flys to its waypoint, I am using this as my init field.

Helo1 land "GET IN"; dostop Helo1

After that I have a trigger set like this.

Condition Field

({ (not (_x in Helo1)) and (alive _x) } count (units (Unit1))) == 0

Init field

Helo1 dofollow Helo1

And I have my squad leader set to this

Unit1 = group this

This issue I am running into is the helicopter will take off the second any player gets into the blackhawk. I want it to wait for all of the players in said group who are alive to get in. If I say group1 in helo1, it will wait unti all players are in, even if they are dead. So I use the said above script to do a check for all alive players...

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You have to create a "heliHEmpty" bevore the helicopter get his land order.

HeliH = "heliHEmpty" createVehicle (getPos leader Unit1);

Helo1 land "GET IN"; dostop Helo1;

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You have to create a "heliHEmpty" bevore the helicopter get his land order.

HeliH = "heliHEmpty" createVehicle (getPos leader Unit1);

Helo1 land "GET IN"; dostop Helo1;

I have an Invisible H already. Its on the outskirts of the city where the blackhawk is trying to land since the mission is completed when you kill some people inside the town. But it still leaves after one person gets on.

Edited by HavocDemon

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I also noted another oddity.

When I have a blackhawk on the ground, engine off, and with a waypoint and its on the ground in a dostop init, it will wait there if I get in and the rest of my squad is on the outside (just me in the blackhawk).

However, if all of my squad except me gets in it, it will take off leaving me, the squad leader, behind. So for some reason it will leave me behind. And this is with OUT a trigger to take off.

So for some reason when my squad enters the blackhawk all of a sudden the dostop ends itself, even with out a trigger to tell it to dofollow...


I found out a solution. I changed my waypoint command to this.

 Helo1 land "GET IN"; dostop Helo1; Helo1 stop true; 

Apparent I need the combination of both the dostop and stop command, independently they wont work for this, but when I combine the two it works fine.

Edited by HavocDemon

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