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Level of detail, distance of sight for grass, vegetation and other assets

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Hello, its my first post in this forum:D

Well after watching the Track IR vid and other Ingame videos to ArmA2, it noticed that the distance of displayed grasses is very small..after 20meters theres only texture, some bushes thats all. Good exaple for this is the sniper scene in the Track IR vid where the guy is sniper and explains its better to rotate the head instead of the whole boddy. It looks extremely odd.

So I was wondering if its only like this on old PCs, or if the game needs high end PCs to be played. Will there be a way to increase the distance for vegetationto be displayed.

IMO its a waste to have grass that reacts when ur laying on it if on distances over 20meters everybody can see you as some peasant lying on Google earth grass texture

Also the effects like for rocket impacts look awful. I hope they will change them. I do not expect Crysis like eye candy, but at least something that looks like an explosions and not only a 2d 16x16 pixel effect

Edited by Itch

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Will there be a way to increase the distance for vegetationto be displayed.

Pretty sure it was mentioned that you can adjust it yourself or that it is higher now. Someone from BI confirmed it when they released the FARMA pics.

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Please read the forum rules that you were sent a link to, if you'd searched before posting you'd have found a number of active thread such as this and this which cover the topic.

I'll merge your post into this one and you can continue there.

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