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will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?

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I'm a freetrack user and I must say it's a shame if freetrack is not supported in ArmA 2.

It's not the main game where I use it, I find it much more useful in flight simulators, but it's always a extra to be able to use it in ArmA.

I don't know at which point can BI negotiate with natural point, but you should take a position that is in the best interest of all your community and that includes all the freetrack users.

There is nothing stopping FreeTrack developers from releasing whatever technology they like. However, the history of the FreeTrack project is rife with shadiness, and most of it stems from code which shows up in both original and more recent FreeTrack releases.

The short version of the story: FreeTrack took code copyrighted by TrackIR and used it in the creation of their own "open-source" product

Where did you read that? Can you point me to a place where I can read it?

Or you just came here to tell lies about something you don't understand?

Do you really think that freetrack would exist right now and that natural point would need to encrypt their interface if that was true?

Here is the answer to your statement:

FreeTrack interface

FreeTrack has a simple interface that can be freely used by third party programs to access 6DOF tracking data, both real raw measurements and virtual. It is hardware agnostic, so is not dependent on a specific brand or version of hardware and can be used without restriction.

[edit] TrackIR interface

The TrackIR interface is actually made up of three different interfaces, the original standard interface is compatible with FreeTrack and is used by most games released before October 2008. Games released after this date use a modified interface with an encrypted data stream, which is incompatible with the original interface. Currently games using this new interface need to be patched in order to make them compatible with FreeTrack. The third interface is a module called TIRViews, which provides special support for a small number of games, it is available separately from the TrackIR website and can be used with FreeTrack. The list of FreeTrack compatible titles indicates which games use which interface.

The TrackIR interface is proprietary so is required to be closed source.

[edit] TrackIR controversy

NaturalPoint Inc., the makers of TrackIR, believe that the use of FreeTrack to gain view control in TrackIR Enhanced software is a violation of their copyright.

FreeTrack is free open source software.[6] Most TrackIR Enhanced software need to be provided with text strings which bear notice of "EyeControl Technologies" copyright (former name of NaturalPoint, Inc.) in order to activate the TrackIR Enhanced interface. Software which requires these text strings for interface activation also contain the strings themselves. At NaturalPoint's request, FreeTrack project members removed the strings from the software they provide to end users. FreeTrack then implemented a workaround which creates a local copy of these strings from the client software when used with TrackIR Enhanced titles. FreeTrack project members argue that copyright is not violated in this case since it may fall under the provision of 17 U.S.C. § 117. The text strings are a necessary and functional part of the interface which FreeTrack project members believe makes them exempt from copyright for the purposes of interoperability.[7]

NaturalPoint started using an encrypted data stream in version 4.1.036 of their TrackIR software, this made it more difficult for third party software like FreeTrack to interface with TrackIR Enhanced software titles.[8] The first game to require the new data stream is DCS: Black Shark[9] but a fix is available to make it compatible with FreeTrack.[10]

An apart to this forums moderators:

You send warnings to mr. g-c because he expressed his discontent, due to a action by natural point, in such a peremptory way and you let the well known arrogant dyslecxi come to this thread just to call someone "idiot"?

Aren't moderators supposed to be impartial?

Edited by Jorge.PT

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mr.g-c you may be surprised to learn this but our forums are not here to serve your agendas they're here to serve the majority and not the minority, as such you've now diseased this thread with your venom to such an extent I'm closing it.

Dslyecxi why must we do this same old dance over and over? Just because you think something about someone doesn't mean you post it on the forum, you know the rules, you're not a new invitee to the ball, I can only suggest you give something like this a try.

As for the "Will ArmA2 support this that or the other", if manufacturers want our products to support their peripherals they should contact us, that's what Naturalpoint did some time ago and we all can see how well that worked out.

Regarding Naturalpoint encrypting their API so that it can't be used by other peripherals, I have no knowledge of this but it sounds like a reasonable business practice to me, their API, their software, of course they can restrict it to their products if they so wish, anyone who thinks otherwise is simply naive IMO.

If there is another manufacturer who markets a tracking device and wanted it supported in ArmA2 or some other product of ours they should have contacted us, if they didn't and their product is not supported in ArmA2 then I can only suggest you contact them and recommend they hire a sales/marketing manager to do some work for them.

As for Bohemia Interactive and Naturalpoint, it's a relationship that has benefited both parties. Everyone in this community knows how hard it has been for Bohemia Interactive to get PR coverage over the past few years, being associated with Naturalpoint helps our exposure as it helps their exposure, there's nothing suspicious or malicious involved, and anyone who tries to imply otherwise really needs to take a step back and buy themselves some reality pills off Ebay.

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Just to clear up the point after I had a couple of people PM'ing me. Yes of course you're welcome to discuss Freetrack or any other tracking system on our forums, this thread was closed because of the tone and content of the "discussion". Not because of the subject matter.

Question: Can't we remove the rant posts and simply continue with informations how to build your own device and so on?

Answer: No, but in a day or two I have no problem if someone starts up the discussion and sticks 100% to the topic without attacking Naturalpoint or BIS or Dsylexci or anyone else.

So tomorrow someone is welcome to start up the discussion again, I would suggest that the suggestions forum be the most appropriate place.

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