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bravo 6

CfgModels.default error

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After separating my terrain.pbo from all models such as roads, buildings, plants etc.. and fixing all model paths, when i run ArmA and load the terrain it shows this error:

'No entry 'model.Cfg/CfgModels.default'.

Does anyone have ideas what it can be and how to fix it?

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Just a stab in the dark, but missing class default in the model.cfg cfgmodels part?

Could you show us the model.cfg (if you know which one is causing it)?

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Well the problem is that i don't have any idea witch one is causing it..

When i had the buildings, roads, plants p3d folders & models inside my terrain folder i had no message error.

Now that i have separated all my buildings, roads, plants etc into separated pbos, when loading the terrain with the buildings, roads, plants pbos in the addons folder i receive that error.

Does this error have anything to do with animations? I want to detect the source but i have no idea..

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Well I'm absolutely just guessing here, I have no hard knowledge so please take it as an just an idea :)

The model.cfg class cfgModels should start like this:

class CfgModels
   class Default
       sections[] = {""};
       sectionsInherit = "";

I'm guessing this is missing from some of the new model.cfg files you created?

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class CfgModels
   class Default
       sections[] = {""};
       sectionsInherit = "";

Where exactly do i need to put that code?

Where exactly do i need to search for it?

In each buildings, roads, plants, rocks pbo files or folders i have 1 config.cpp, do i put that code in each config.cpp?

Some help and some patience is requested here, sorry for my ignorance.

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search for CfgModels


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First i want to say that i didn't yet moved the roads from the terrain folder for an singular pbo. Need to modify the paths in Road Network.. redefining all roads again. Is it better to be inside or separated?


When searching for CfgModels in *.hpp,*.cpp,*.cfg I found :

  • "P:\Iraqborder\iraqborder.hpp" -> (nothing in it, empty)

  • "P:\Iraqborder\config.cpp" -> at the bottom of the file
class CfgModels 
class default;

class bc_wood: default
{ 	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] ={""};

  • "P:\Iraqborder\roads\model.cfg" ->
class CfgModels
class Default;
class most_stred30: Default
	skeletonName = "Most";
class most_bez_lamp: most_stred30 {};
class Kamenny_most30: Default
	skeletonName = "Most2";
class Kamenny_most30v2: Kamenny_most30 {};

  • "P:\bc6buildings\model.cfg" -> (I used this, original bis, trying to make error disappear; did not disapear)
class CfgModels
class Default;
class vysilac_fm: Default
class vysilac_fm2: Default
class Building: Default
	class Animations
		class Dvere1: Rotation
		class Dvere2: Dvere1
		class Dvere3: Dvere1
		class Dvere4: Dvere1
class zavora_2: Default
	class Animations
		class Bargate
			angle0="rad 10";
			angle1="rad 67.5";
class KBud: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
class Hlidac_budka: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
		class Dvere2: Dvere2
class Sara_Domek_sedy: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
class sara_domek_zluty: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
class sara_zluty_statek_in: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
class dum_mesto2: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
		class Dvere2: Dvere2
		class Dvere3: Dvere3
		class Dvere4: Dvere4
class Panelak3: Building
	class Animations: Animations
		class Dvere1: Dvere1
		class Dvere2: Dvere2
class majak: Default
	class Animations
		class Light
			angle0="rad -120";
			angle1="rad 240";
class majak_v_celku: majak
class majak2: majak
	class Animations
		class Light
			angle0="rad -60";
			angle1="rad 300";
class kostel: Building
class runway_PAPI: Default
class runway_PAPI_2: runway_PAPI
class runway_PAPI_3: runway_PAPI
class runway_PAPI_4: runway_PAPI
class Church: Default
	class Animations
		class Hour1
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Minute1
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Hour2
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Minute2
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Hour3
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Minute3
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Hour4
			angle1="rad 360";
		class Minute4
			angle1="rad 360";
class kostel2: Church
class kostel3: Church
class domek_radnice: Church
class Hotel: Default {};
class Kostel_Mexico:Default {};

  • "P:\bc6buildings\config.cpp" ->
class CfgModels
   class Default
       sections[] = {""};
       sectionsInherit = "";

  • "P:\bc6plants\config.cpp" ->
class CfgModels
   class Default
       sections[] = {""};
       sectionsInherit = "";

  • "P:\bc6rocks\config.cpp" ->
class CfgModels
   class Default
       sections[] = {""};
       sectionsInherit = "";

Note: In last resource i tried to add the code to all files, had no result.

What do i need to do to make the error go away?

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Goodness gracious me... you have forum posts up the wazzoo to search & biki information coming out your ears + godzillions of examples in the BIS released source material...

config.cpp, model.cfg, model.p3d

CfgSkeleton & CfgModel information should be in a model.cfg file.

1. Remove all references to these 2 classes out of all your config.cpp's.

2. In each folder you have your models make sure there is a model.cfg file in there with ALL the necessary information.

eg. In your model.cfg file in P:\Iraqborder\roads\model.cfg you have...

class CfgModels
   class Default;
   class most_stred30: Default
       skeletonName = "Most";
   class most_bez_lamp: most_stred30 {};
   class Kamenny_most30: Default
       skeletonName = "Most2";
   class Kamenny_most30v2: Kamenny_most30 {};

Now when binarize.exe runs over this file, unlike config.cpp's is does not go looking outside this folder to discover what 'class Default;' refers too.

I've mentioned this numerous times before.

So, you have to define it in this file.

So, in this case you would change the above too...

class CfgModels
class Default
       sections[] = {""};
       sectionsInherit = "";
class most_stred30: Default
skeletonName = "Most";
class most_bez_lamp: most_stred30 {};
class Kamenny_most30: Default
skeletonName = "Most2";
class Kamenny_most30v2: Kamenny_most30 {};

Do you understand? :butbut:

PS. There is other information I have left out or not mentioned above as it will only confuse you further. But, all this has been discussed numerous times before. (Sorry to sound abrubt...)

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I'm trying to copy and assimilate the information, I really appreciate your answer and patience.

I hate these kind of coding, i have some kind of phobia with them, thats why all these huge ignorance and lack of interest to search for code info.

2. In each folder you have your models make sure there is a model.cfg file in there with ALL the necessary information.

The problem is that i don't know what kinda information i need to put it every model.cfg

per example: in "P:\CA\buildings", "P:\CA\rocks" original BIS folders, there are no model.cfg, so i don't know what to put in the model.cfg

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What about getting an example from OPX?

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@Synide - i added the code you mentioned in "P:\Iraqborder\roads\model.cfg", i removed in the rest like you mentioned.

now i have this error:

No entry 'model.cfg/CfgModels/Default.sections'.

@kju, OPX have no models.cfg files anywhere, also alot of hes models are P:\CA dependent.

I'm trying to make mine independent from P:\Ca, ie, im trying not to use any path linked to P:\Ca for future plans.

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per example: in "P:\CA\buildings", "P:\CA\rocks" original BIS folders, there are no model.cfg, so i don't know what to put in the model.cfg

ARMA_SampleVehiclesWeapons.zip 110 Mbytes

ARMA_SampleModelsEnvironmentOther.zip 60 Mbytes

ARMA_SampleCharactersAnimals.zip 67 Mbytes

BISampleMap.zip 30 Mbytes

All links from here.

All of the above example models have both the config.cpp's and the model.cfg's in them... they have been 'out' for a very long time... I'm sure you've been made aware of their existence previously.

Look at them.

If you are going to make a true 'full conversion' mod then you really need to understand the folder structures, the tools, how they build things and work.

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Thanks for the link, as you know im aware of their existence. I already used them to get where i am. For example, remember the roads issues we discussed in the passed, i would need these links.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that per example if you open the ARMA_SampleModelsEnvironmentOther.zip in plants and rocks folders, the file model.cfg does not exists. Though there is a config.cpp.

Now this is what i don't understand, there are some folders with both, config.cpp and model.cfg, and there are other folders with only the config.cpp, without the model.cfg file. Why?

In previous posts you referred, both files (config.ccp + model.cfg) were necessary in the models (p3d) folders. Correct?

If you are going to make a true 'full conversion' mod then you really need to understand the folder structures, the tools, how they build things and work.

Yes i agree, I know I have to understand how things work. I'm trying to understand and learn the sense of these codes, sometimes its complicated. Please be patience and help me understand it.

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The basic idea is that binarize needs the sources (configs, textures, models, model.cfg).

If you are use your own namespace (good), you still need to provide all these elements.

All but the configs are somewhat "absolute". These means you need to have all the BI stuff

in p:\ca\ where binarize is looking for models and textures.

Community addons need to be in their respective absolute location (model = ..; texture path, etc).

The model.cfg is relative to the pbo / one model.cfg per pbo/folder or folder level.

In other words NOT one model.cfg per p3d, instead per pbo or folder level (not sure).

Model.cfg defines structure of an object, an it parts (for animations).

The CA configs however need to be copied to your namespace as well:


Your configs need to find BI's CA configs. For some reason these are not 'absolute',

yet must be in your namespace.

Edited by kju

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The CA configs however need to be copied to your namespace as well:


Your configs need to find BI's CA configs. For some reason these are not 'absolute',

yet must be in your namespace.

Synide's guide doesn't instruct anything like this, why would you need to make ca\ dir into your namespace?

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It does, when you read the tut correct (ca or not to be ca) you need the ca in your namespace only for the raw cpps and cfgs so binarize can use it. Every addon maker should read synides tut it explains everything correctly in my eyes. And addonmaker should make theyr addons in P:/MyTag/mytag_plants, mytag_island1..........

Edited by Atsche

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Yeah my bad, sorry. Was thinking about the "addon" itself, not namespace, sigh.

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@Bravo6... hmmm... yeah, yeah... ok... I'll be nice... sigh, there's no model.cfg in the \plants or \rocks folders simply because the principal is that you 'should' place the CfgSkeletons & CfgModels classes in a model.cfg file.

But, what are these classes for? They are for animating content... how many plants & rocks need a Skeleton & have static anims. - answer -> none.... hence no model.cfg sitting in the folder.





\Synide\synStructures\model.cfg - details CfgSkeletons & CfgModels classes for all .p3d's in this folder.

When binarize.exe runs over the .p3d's in this folder one of the first things it's does is look for a 'house.cfg' & a 'tower.cfg' text file that contains CfgSkeletons & CfgModels details. IF, it does not find these files THEN it looks for a file with the same name as the 'folder'. eg. synStructures.cfg.

IF it does not find a file called synStructures.cfg it looks for a file called model.cfg.

In the above example it will find model.cfg and process it when it binarizes the models.

BEST practice imo, is to call the file the 'NameOfTheFolder'. eg. In the above case synStructures.cfg.


When the config.cpp is being processed for this folder binarize can & does travel outside this immediate folder to construct a full and complete config. But, when it processes the model.cfg it does not travel outside this folder. This is why you need to specify all the info, regarding CfgSkeletons & CfgModels for models in this folder in it's entirety.

There are ways around this ofcourse. But for the moment you should concentrate on the above to get it all clear and well formed.

Edited by Synide

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ok, its interesting because i didn't had any problem when i had the folders inside the terrain, but now that i separate them into different pbo i get this pain in the ass..


Can you post an simple example of two different p3d buildings?

How should i add them correctly into the 'NameOfTheFolder.cfg' file?

edit: typo

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Oh man... I have no longer the error message, i know what was the problem: The problem was that when i binarized the folders i used the program cpbo.exe with the line 'cpbo -y -p foldername foldername.pbo'. I shouldn't be doing it.

Instead i should have used the program BinPBO binarize the respective folders into pbo. Shame on me!

Sorry for this glitch, but lately i have been with my mind in some other important things from RL.

@Synide, please when you have time feel free to reply my question, because i feel a part of the problem was solved but still there is a lot to improve and to make it running correctly.

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