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Need help resolving a script problem

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I'm working on (yet another) artillery script/addon thingy, mostly for fun. It is supposed to do some nice radiochatter depending on many factors. The problem I currently have is this: When I prebuild an array of strings that are send into the script, everything works. However, when I send in something built automatically, it fails. The really weird (to me) problem is that when I check what goes in, they are identical. Yet one works, the other fails. Script as follows:

//indexselect and speechlist must be global to work with spawn? Unless _indexselect is created automatically.
indexselect = [
speechlist = [
["o01","Steel Rain, this is Raptor. Adjust fire, system aided. Over",4],
["o02_grid","Grid ",0.345],
["o03_units","Units in the open. Request splash. Over",0.345],
["o04_guns"," guns in effect.",0.345],
["o04_message","Message to observer: ",0.345],
["o04_rounds"," rounds, ",0.345],
["o04_targetnumber","Target number Alpha Bravo ",0.345],
["o05_shot","Shot. Out.",0.345],
["o06_splash","Splash. Out.",0.345],
["o07_correct","Correct and fire for effect. Over.",0.345],
["o07_impact","Impact grid",0.345],
["o08_end","Record as target. End of mission. Targets supressed. Over",0.345],
["s01","Raptor this is Steel Rain. Adjust fire, system aided. Out",0.345],
["s03_units","Units in the open. Request splash. Out.",0.345],
["s04_guns","guns in effect.",0.345],
["s04_message","Message to observer: ",0.345],
["s04_targetnumber","Target number Alpha Bravo",0.345],
["s05_shot","Shot. Over.",0.345],
["s06_splash","Splash. Over.",0.345],
["s07_correct","Correct and fire for effect. Out",0.345],
["s07_impact","Impact grid",0.345],
["s08_end","Record as target. End of mission. Targets supressed. Out.",0.345]

_speakthis = {
private ["_i","_array","_string","_delay","_index","_who","_indexselect"];
_array = _this;
_index = 0;
_string = "";
_delay = 0;
_indexselect = [];
//Probably not a good idea to create this array every time something is said.
for "_i" from 0 to count speechlist - 1 do {
	_indexselect = _indexselect + [(speechlist select _i) select 0];
	player globalChat format ["%1", _indexselect];
for "_i" from 0 to count _array - 1 do {
	_index = indexselect find (_array select _i);
//		_index = ((speechlist select _i) select 0) find (_array select _i);
	_string = _string + format ["%1", format["%1", (speechlist select _index) select 1]];
	_delay = _delay + ((speechlist select _index) select 2);
//		player say ((speechlist select _index) select 0);
_who = (if (toArray (_array select 0) select 0 == 111) then {"O: "} else {"S: "});
if (_who == "O: ") then {
	player sideChat format [_who + "%1", _string];
} else {
	[west,"Airbase"] sideChat format [_who + "%1", _string];
sleep _delay;

_numberToLookup = {
private ["_i","_gridarray","_ret","_string","_who","_retdelay","_delay"];
_ret = [];
_retdelay = 0;
_who = _this select 0;
_gridarray = toArray (_this select 1);
for "_i" from 0 to count _gridarray - 1 do {
	switch (_gridarray select _i) do {
		case 48 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_0"]};
		case 49 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_1"]};
		case 50 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_2"]};
		case 51 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_3"]};
		case 52 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_4"]};
		case 53 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_5"]};
		case 54 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_6"]};
		case 55 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_7"]};
		case 56 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_8"]};
		case 57 : {_string = format ["%1", _who + "02_9"]};
	_ret = _ret + [_string];

_speech = ["o02_5","o04_guns"] spawn _speakthis; waitUntil {scriptDone _speech}; hint "I'm finished";

_returnarray = ["S","069138"] call _numberToLookup;
_yyy = ["s02_grid"];
_yyy = _yyy + _returnarray;
//_yyy = ["s02_grid","s02_0","s02_6","s02_9","s02_1","s02_3","s02_8"];
player globalChat format ["%1", _yyy];
_yyy call _speakthis;

Run script as it is directly from init.sqf as [] execVM "speak.sqf"; and observe the error. Take a screenshot. Now, uncomment the last comment which builds the same array of strings directly. Run it again, without the error. Take a screenshot. Compare the screenshot and see that the excact same stuff goes into the function.

Can anyone spot my mistake?

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Replace the "S" in

_returnarray = ["S","069138"] call _numberToLookup

with a small "s" and everything will be fine :)

_returnarray = ["s","069138"] call _numberToLookup


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And thus the problematic one-liner grid chat becomes:

_speech = ["s02_grid"] + (["s", _grid] call _numberToLookup) spawn _speakthis; waitUntil {scriptDone _speech};

Thanks. Problem solved. I could kiss you. How on earth did you manage to spot that? :)

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How on earth did you manage to spot that? :)

I put my right hand on my monitor, said a magic formula and then it was obvious.



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