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Help please someone!

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Hi all!

So I downloaded the Cessna Fun mission and began the painstaking job of downloading all of the required addons listed in the readme file for the mission.  I got  some of them, but only about 1 of the 22 sites listed in the readme actually worked, so the rest I had to search for by myself.

My question is this:  I was wondering where I could find these addons.  When I load the cessna fun mission in editor, it says "missing addons:BIBpol1, BIBswat,BIBpoloff,btractor,bluerc,pkiowa,MTYHeliPark,greenrc,redrc,phummer,MTYskiboat.

So I assume that those are the addons that I could not for the life of me find myself on the search engine or ofp.info or anywhere.  I THINK that the addons that I still need are: Ford Mondeo, Civilian Vehicle Pack, Editor Update (I probably have this already not sure), Police addon, BIB Police, and Ski-Boat.

If anyone could help me fins these or point me to a site where they are or whatever, I would appreciate it very much.

Thanks for any help!

BTW this is my first post in this forum =D

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Oh, so is there a spot were I click to say like show all and like not just from a certain time period, cuz I was searching ofp.info forever!

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