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A few problems ... runways, map icons etc

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Yeah, I've made a few maps for Visitor, but they are still rather ... un-polished? I've used a few tutorials and the stuff from BI (Rahmadi) as a template but still there are problems, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. So far here is the list:

1. I have the "palm" icons from Rahmadi on my map, if I delete them in the cpp then it crashes horribly.

2. Sometimes the textures go all wacky around the joins (grass texture transitions to sand) and it looks like curdled milk or something aweful.

3. I can't seem to get names (bays, towns etc) to show up on the map in-game.

4. I also seem to be unable to create a runway, but the one from Rahmadi is there ... in the middle of mountainous forest.

5. I've had problems with 3rd party objects (textures don't work - they come up with a "can't find *.paa" or something like that.

6. I don't have a curser in bulldozer.

Well, those are the ones I can think of now, aside from them I've had only minor frustrations but I've worked through them, the above however ... are difficult. My island Daraisolas is pretty much finished but still has rough edges (along with all the map names/symbols from Rahmadi (the sample map)). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1.  I have not found a work-around to needing at least one symbol on the map to prevent the crash.  So mark some other terrain on your map with the appropriate symbol.  See:


2.  Sounds like there is anti-aliasing on the edge of the colors in the mask_lco.png.  Need to use pencil mode if you are using PS.

3.  They are stored in the *.hpp file in the folder with your .wrp file.  There is supposed to be an "include" command which goes in your config file which brings this data in.  I simply copy and paste it into the config file.  Check my Schmalfelden source files.

4.  Look in the config file and delete the lines associated with the runway and ils.

5.  The unbinarized pbo files of the 3rd party objects have to have the same file paths.  See the "opx" thread in this forum.

6.  I can't remember the fix other than reinstall V3.  Do a search of this forum and you will find answers.  Just make sure you change the default "search from" to "the beginning".

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Thanks, a great help! I'll try those tonight.

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Arg! I somehow managed to find MORE problems! crazy_o.gif

This time it's really quite odd. On my map I've decided to put in fields (both SAT and MASK so I have detailed textures + different grass as well as a nice sat image from a distance). I did this and all was good up until the moment I put it into ArmA, when it decided to gib itself.

Everything is fine in Bulldozer, but I get into the game and only half of my field shows up, the rest is just grass (no rows) and it stops suddenly, the texture runs up to the edge and then just finishes like it's been cut down the middle and one section removed. This is of course the detail textures, the sat image is fine ... except for the two big white squares on another part of the island. These two have no detail textures and no sat images either, they're just blank. Oh and I get an error about the textures as well ... huh.gif

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Having a hard time understanding your description of the first problem. Could you post an image?

About the missing textures (white squares) I would start by manually going into your Data | Layers folder for the map and deleting everything. Then reload the pew and start over getting it into buldozer, ie import your config, sat & mask, etc.

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After you have finished importing the sat and mask, examine all the Mask files in the layers folder, If you have any brown colors in there it means you have more than the 4 colors allowed in that grid, this will then cause issues similar to the one your having.

As for the white areas, check your layer.cfg is in order

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