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"Arma" brand impeding on Arma2's success?

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Hi Walker,

Just a thought that hit me.

While BIS may want to play nice, ethical and such, CM have proven through dollars and controversy they wish to garner market share as much as possible.  One may call it a battle.  In battle, as 300's King Leonidas so eloquently put, you 'Give them nothing, and take away everything.'  My meaning is in this marketing battle, you can be sure there are CM people lurking about.  When this idea had been posted, one of their PR people may have just said "Oh, damn!  I knew I forgot a tag for Google to hook news to!"  They are spending lots on marketing, why give them free work?  Good find though.  CM should give you something for the ad bulletproofing.   rofl.gif

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The major websites here in the US, (Gamespot, IGN) have through the years looked at Bohemia's work and in order for them to get a good rating, there are a few key areas in which both of their previous reviews have all talked about. BI probably has probably read all of this over religiously & tried to touch on all of these. Here is a short summery of the not so obvious that are putting some weight off that perfect "10", according to both of these media outlets:

Quote[/b] ]1. If there is an easier difficulty setting for the campaign to start out, newer players would be more forgiving considering the games considerable complex nature. Players would be slowly eased into the games difficulty and complexity rather than thrust into it.

2. There could have been a much title than "ArmA" for the games name. (both IGN/Gamespot).

3. BI has always suffered from the same weaknesses and strengths. (Which they have stated they are addressing many of them).

4. Collision models & the physics system pull the high immersion right out of the game, especially no differential damage states for vehicles.

This isn't a this isn't a "like/dislike" thread, I'm simply stating that this is what (from what I just looked at) most of all the review sites have discussed between OFP, Resistance, and Arma. If BIS is hoping that the reviews will prop up sales, they not only will have to fight to revive the "Arma" brand, but to fight the fact that Arma2 isn't a propped up version of their previous game.. unless the difference is so stark that such a comparison is null and void. Hence "2.0" and not "1.96".

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