Solomani 0 Posted February 4, 2009 I am having a slight problem using proxies. I am currently using a couple of proxies to import the BIS mk82_rack.p3d's into my A-10. The racks are correctly displayed in the external view. However, they can not be seen in the pilot view (canopy up or down). I am also using proxies for the mk82's. The mk82's can be seen in the pilot view with or without the canopy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted February 4, 2009 Obvious question, but have you added the proxies in the pilot view? Not meaning to sound patronising in asking that, but its a simple mistake I know I've made in the past. It may (or may not) also be a selection issue, I haven't had much experience with vehicles, but I know selections can be somewhat fussy and its possible the rack proxy copied into the pilot view lod (assuming you added it there, again, not meaning to patronise) isn't part of the correct selection. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solomani 0 Posted February 5, 2009 No worries. I'm just glad someone responded. Â Yes, the rack proxies are listed in the View - Pilot LOD. "proxy:/ca/air/mk82_rack.005" "proxy:/ca/air/mk82_rack.006" I also have proxies (mk82.003 though .010) in the pilot view for the mk82's which seem to work fine. New info: I just learned that each rack is visible in pilot view after at least 2 mk82's have been released. At first, I thought this might be a unique proxy number issue. However, the external view has no visual issues and the proxies in LOD's 1 through 7 are numbered the same way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted February 5, 2009 - Always select one LOD as your primary working lod to add all the weapon proxies - Copying them from other models will provide mixed results - Best to create your first manually, directing it to the CA p3d yourself - It should be numbered .001 - Now Copy it one at a time to add your next weapon proxy - The sequence in which your create each proxy is also related to the order in which they are launched - Don't try to rename the numbering of them, it never works properly - Once totally finished in that primary working lod, copy them all just ONCE to any other views/lods you want them in - If you hit a problem, delete them all again, except from your primary working lod - Redo any changes in the primary, then copy again back to all lods Last: Select any canopy glass, flashs etc that my be between the pilot or cargo and a view to the weapons and FACES -> MOVE TOP To prove if they will be visible ingame, move you camera view in Buldozer to mimic a player in the cockpit looking at the weapon. HTHs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solomani 0 Posted February 5, 2009 Perhaps I should back up a bit to explain the situation. I am using the proxy method to import to 2 non-weapon models into the main A-10 model. I came up with this idea from reading the O2 manual. Importing the mk82 racks (not the weapon) was a lot faster using this method. Just as GNAT mentioned, I created them in the lowest LOD and then copied them around to other LODs. The racks are clearly seen from outside the vehicle whether empty or fully loaded and the release sequence is correct. The area where the racks are located is at the edge of what is visible from the pilot view. In flight, the racks are hidden by the edge of the canopy. So, the only time this shows up is when the engine is off/canopy up and the A10 is fully loaded. After 3 mk82's have been released and the engine is off/canopy up, one rack will appear (right side). The left rack is visible after 1 additional bomb is released. At this stage each rack still has 1 bomb on it. release sequence:            pilot view  ------------------------------------     4 6    8  10  9   7    5 3      2                 1 The weapon proxies run from 10 to 1 (counts down). So, proxy 10 is actually bomb 1 and proxy 1 is bomb 10. In the view pilot LOD, the weapon proxies run from 10 to 3. 2 and 1 are hidden from view since they are located near the centerline of the aircraft. I simply used the BIS maverick proxies as a reference. I'm inclined to think that this is a proxy "feature" where the pilot view is confusing static models with weapons. The alternate method is to copy the selections from the mk82_rack p3d into the A10 p3d. More time consuming, but it would eliminate this weirdness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UNN 0 Posted February 6, 2009 Quote[/b] ]I'm inclined to think that this is a proxy "feature" where the pilot view is confusing static models with weapons. If you define your proxies in cfgNonAIVehicles, then they show up in the pilots LOD. At least they did for the BIS A10: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class cfgNonAIVehicles         {         class ProxySOLmk82_rack             {             autocenter = 0;             scope = 2;             reversed = 0;             animated = 0;             model="\ca\air\mk82_rack.p3d";             simulation="alwaysshow";             };         }; So then in your p3d you would change your proxies from: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"proxy:/ca/air/mk82_rack.005" "proxy:/ca/air/mk82_rack.006" To: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"proxy:SOLmk82_rack.001" "proxy:SOLmk82_rack.002" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites