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Using mods

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I'm very new to ArmA and I apologize in advance if this question has been answered elsewhere. I'm wondering about mods...if I install a mod, does that mean that I'm limited to playing in those servers which support that mod? Or can I enable/disable the mod at startup?

If anyone wishes to share some helpful links/posts which discuss getting started with mods, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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Basically all mods are just a folder you put in the Arma directory. As you say, you can choose what ones you want before you load the game. The way most people do this is to create additional shortcuts for the game including the addons they want. That way you can put all mods you want into the Arma Folder and only choose the ones you want to actually load via the shortcut.

You choose which mods you want to load by editing the "Target" section within the shorcut eg: http://www.askdavetaylor.com/0-blog-pics/shortcut-properties.png

For example, I have about 3 different shortcuts to Arma:

One for normal unmodified Arma: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\ArmA\arma.exe"

One for the beta 1.15: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta; . This loads Arma with a folder called "Beta" in the Arma Directory

One for normal Arma with my favourite mods: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\ArmA\arma.exe" -mod=@replacements;@unafov;@csm;@ArmFX;@proper . This loads arma with the mods(Folders) called @replacements,@unafov and @csm etc which are located in the Arma Directory.

hope that helps

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