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3d terrain generators

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What is the best 3d terrain generator to use to create new islands/terrain for Arma? L3dt seems to have some promise but I'm sure there are probably others to consider. Any thoughts are appreciatted.

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there's also a plugin for google earth that captures DEM data, and saves it out as a heightmap, im not too sure at what resolution though, but it could be possible to finish it off in photoshop or use it as a base in a terrain editing program.

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Leveller looks good. It appears user friendly and conducive to large terrains. When you are finished in leveller how do you then get it into Visitor ?

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Quote[/b] ]Leveller looks good. It appears user friendly and conducive to large terrains.  When you are finished in leveller how do you then get it into Visitor ?

In Leveller, simply export to a greyscale PNG heightmap.  Then import this in Visitor.  The heightmap dimensions and elevation heights are defined in the Visitor terrain.pbl file.

Quote[/b] ]there's also a plugin for google earth that captures DEM data, and saves it out as a heightmap, im not too sure at what resolution though, but it could be possible to finish it off in photoshop or use it as a base in a terrain editing program.

The download sites for the STRM DEM data tied to that plug-in no longer work (at least last time I checked).  Better to go to: http://seamless.usgs.gov/

The DEM data has to be scaled to whatever grid you are using to create your island/map - usually 10 or 20 meters.  This scaling process is most easily done using MicroDEM, available free here: http://www.usna.edu/Users/oceano/pguth/website/microdem.htm

A deep search in this forum using MicroDEM, DEM, Wilbur, etc will provide a lot of information on how to get from raw DEM to a Visitor usable heightmap.

Of course raw DEM isn't exactly what you want to use in making a map because in most cases it is "smooth" -  it is based on a 90 meter elevation grid.  The points between are interpolated.  To create realistic terrain one needs to use erosion routines to naturally sculpt the terrain.  Most heightmap generators have some form of erosion routines.  I've found that Wilbur's and Leveller's are the best at producing realistic results.

Note that the US DEM is based on either at 30 meter - or in a few areas, a 10 meter grid, which provides a much more realistic heightmap to start.

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Thanks for the info Nicholas, I havent really had any personal experience with height mapped terrains but for a flight combat game I recently worked on the terrain guys used Google earth DEM data and finished it off in Zbrush, then rendered another higher resolution heightmap from the mesh to be used in the game engine, but I guess those terrains didnt really require quite as much detail as an Arma terrain, so not too sure if thats any help.

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Thanks for the replies. Does anyone have experience with Grome software? It also looks good.

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GroIMP looks interesting.

One had to check the data structure it imports/exports.

Maybe we would be able to write a converter to v3 formats, if

the app is good.


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Please correct me if I'm wrong. It seems the most important components to a 3d terrain generator for Arma is the abliity to export the heightfield map in .png format? As far as a sat image it seems that a textured map image would sufffice.

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