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Scripting help needed

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Hi all,

I am getting the following error report in my arma.rpt file:

Error in expression <if ((Count _targets) == 0) then {Goto "MoveTo>

Error position: <Count _targets) == 0) then {Goto "MoveTo>

Error count: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry

My understanding is that _targets was unable to be "Count"ed as it was a number not an array.

The script before this location reads:

if ((TypeName _targets) != "ARRAY") then {[Format["%1Targets are not an array", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"};

Again, as i understand this, if _targets is not an array (eg number) the script should go to the moveToLocation within the script. This should mean that the Count _targets should never have been encountered.

Have I done something wrong? The code in question is within an *.sqs file.

I posted this earlier into the wrong group.


The error is appearing in the Advanced_updateSquad.sqs file. i'll not post it here as it is over 700 lines.

I've been editing the SelectTarget script section as this has been where the errors are occuring.


; Move to enemy target that is the closest to the team.

if ((Count _enemyTargets) == 0) then {Goto "MoveToLocation"};

_location = [_leader, (_enemyTargets + [_location])] Call GetNearest;

; If we are a heavy team, and our side holds at least 4 towns,

; select the closest of the strike and scramble targets.

if (!(_teamType In _heavyTypes)) then {Goto "MoveToLocation"};

if ((_side Call GetTownsHeld) < 4) then {Goto "MoveToLocation"};

_targets = [];

_targets = _scrambleTargets + _strikeTargets;

[Format ["%1ScrambleTargets",_sideText],Call Compile Format ["%1ScrambleTargets",_sideText,_team]] call Trace_2;

[Format ["%1StrikeTargets",_sideText],Call Compile Format ["%1StrikeTargets",_sideText,_team]] call Trace_2;

[Format ["%1Targets",_sideText],_sideText,_team] call Trace_2;

if ((TypeName _targets) != "ARRAY") then {[Format["%1Targets are not an array", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"};

if ((TypeName _targets) = "NUMBER") then {[Format["%1Targets are numbers", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"};

if ((Count _targets) == 0) then {Goto "MoveToLocation"};

_location = [_leader, _targets] Call GetNearest;



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biggrin_o.gif  You're still in the wrong forum area. Check this section, it's not in the main ArmA forum area.

ArmA Editing section: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....SC;c=21

From here try one of the first 2 links. I'm not sure exactly which one to direct you to though, my apologies I'm not over there too much.

You may want to try OFPEC as well:

OFPEC Forums http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?board=80.0

That's a bout all the help I can provide. Most of the stuff you posted is a bit over my head.


I should have known this but the correct section is the first link. Here it is:

ArmA Mission Editing & Scripting section: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....SF;f=71

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One '=' is missing here: if ((TypeName _targets) = "NUMBER") then {[Format["%1Targets are numbers", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"};

The condition should look like this: (TypeName _targets) == "NUMBER"

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Thanks Kronzky.

Didn't realise that this section wasn't under the Arma section.

Makes sense to keep all the scripting stuff together though smile_o.gif


Thanks for the link to the correct location smile_o.gif


Good pickup. Thanks for that. Any ideas as to why it got past the !="ARRAY" though? I added the number one to try and catch this specifically as the !="ARRAY" obviously hasn't worked.



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Make a hint or sidechat like this: hint typeName _targets; to see what value it really returns.

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Make a hint or sidechat like this: hint typeName _targets; to see what value it really returns.


see above in OP. _targets = []; blah blah blah


I'll try that now.

If it is a number though as the error report claims, then they != "ARRAY" should trap it shouldnt it?



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yes it should trap it.

One question: why you use sqf syntax in a sqs? Only for being able to use goto command?

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yes it should trap it.

One question: why you use sqf syntax in a sqs? Only for being able to use goto command?

To be honest I hadn't realised i was doing that.

How should those If Typename structure be done if using sqs sytax?

if ((TypeName _targets) != "ARRAY") then {[Format["%1Targets are not an array", _sideText]] Call TRACE;goto "MoveToLocation"};

The hightlighted ";" would cause the goto movelocation to be skipped wouldn't it?

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No it should work like this. But sqs normally look more like this:

?((TypeName _targets) != "ARRAY") : [Format["%1Targets are not an array", _sideText]] Call TRACE;goto "MoveToLocation"

and in sqs you dont need to use ; at the end of each line. So if you wouldnt have goto command in your script it would be already proper sqf syntax which is more recommended for ArmA. (Would be executed with execVM then instead of exec)

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see above in OP.  _targets = []; blah blah blah

Ahh, okay. I personally use the BBCode "code" tags when giving code examples, because it's easier to read. :P

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Just in case, it's "SCALAR" not "NUMBER":

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if ((TypeName _targets) = "SCALAR") then {[Format["%1Targets are numbers", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"};

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Thanks for the responses.

I'll give the suggestions a try.


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