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Question for BIS

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I am waiting for ArmA2 becaouse OFP is too old and dosent meet my demand anymore but I dont like ArmA becaouse of its controls, especilly driving and flying, I find it extremely unrealistic and hard to play. So I would like to know a few answers.

1) Will ArmA2 have the same controls as ArmA1?

2) Will the vehicles interier look like Play Station 1 models?

3) Will you be able to look around inside a tank?

4) Will there be functional licence plates on cars like in OFP?

Personally if the controls and car interiers be the same as in ArmA1 I'm never buying this game. forgive me BIS


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I don't think that you don't like the controls. I think you just don't like the clunkyness of the animations when your using the controls. Such as moving around in houses and trying to seek cover.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't think that you don't like the controls. I think you just don't like the clunkyness of the animations when your using the controls. Such as moving around in houses and trying to seek cover.

Yeah thats it, the animation just fells unfinished and hard to control, in OFP i never get this feeling that the X axis is faster then the Y axis and so on.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't think that you don't like the controls. I think you just don't like the clunkyness of the animations when your using the controls. Such as moving around in houses and trying to seek cover.

Yeah thats it, the animation just fells unfinished and hard to control, in OFP i never get this feeling that the X axis is faster then the Y axis and so on.

yeah thats so weird. i noticed that aiming horizontally is much more responsive than aiming vertically. whats the reason behind that? i tried it with a hunting rifle irl and i could aim just as fast up as i could to the sides. crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I don't think that you don't like the controls. I think you just don't like the clunkyness of the animations when your using the controls. Such as moving around in houses and trying to seek cover.

Yeah thats it, the animation just fells unfinished and hard to control, in OFP i never get this feeling that the X axis is faster then the Y axis and so on.

yeah thats so weird. i noticed that aiming horizontally is much more responsive than aiming vertically. whats the reason behind that? i tried it with a hunting rifle irl and i could aim just as fast up as i could to the sides.  crazy_o.gif

Go into your control options - notice that you can adjust vertical and horizontal sensitivity separately tounge2.gif

For some weird reason aiming horizontally is double the sensitivity as aiming vertically when set to the same setting. Simply set vertical sensitivity to twice as much as horizontal sensitivity and they will be the same smile_o.gif

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Yeah thats it, the animation just fells unfinished and hard to control, in OFP i never get this feeling that the X axis is faster then the Y axis and so on.

Maybe you have disabled floating zone, thus also control your body directly with mouse x. It's slower to aim with your whole body than just your arms I think.

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