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wound textures

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I'm in trouble with wound textures of my sla units. I made them working but once I've set some hiddenSelections (I mixed up all models in a few 'main' models) wounds texts don't appear when units are killed.

I've named all default and new sections in cfgModel:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class YO_SLA_MAN: ArmaMan


sections[] = {"osobnost","Head_Injury","Body_Injury","l_leg_injury","l_arm_injury","r_arm_injury","r_leg_injury","clan", "yo_cartucheras", "yo_radio", "yo_micro", "yo_boina", "yo_gps", "yo_pistol", "yo_bfront", "yo_btras", "yo_btras1", "yo_mochila", "yo_cantim", "yo_glass1", "yo_mina", "yo_bag", "yo_hat", "yo_hands", "yo_guants", "yo_crew", "yo_glass3"};


... declared wounds in cfgVehicles:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class YO_SLA_captive : SoldierEB


vehicleClass = "YO_SLA";


model = "\YO_SLA\YO_SLA_MAN";

hiddenSelections[]= {"yo_cartucheras", "yo_radio", "yo_micro", "yo_boina", "yo_gps", "yo_pistol", "yo_bfront", "yo_btras", "yo_btras1", "yo_mochila", "yo_cantim", "yo_glass1", "yo_mina", "yo_bag", "yo_hat", "yo_guants", "yo_crew", "yo_glass3"};

scope = public;

nightVision = true;

camouflage = 0.6;


Icon = "\Ca\characters\data\map_ico\i_wojak_ca.paa";

weapons[] = {"Throw", "Put"};

magazines[] = {};

respawnweapons[] = {"Throw", "Put"};

respawnmagazines[] = {};

class Wounds


tex[] = {};

mat[] = {










and of course I've checked these two are the rvmats assigned to the body and face of my captive soldier.

Do I miss any step... or shoud I say, wich step I miss?

thx for your time,


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Are the soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat and soldier_captive_body.rvmat used as materials in your .p3d?

I mixed this once. The effect is the same as you describe: No wounds  wink_o.gif

Regarding the hiddenSelections: I think that the wounds for soldiers and the damagetextures for vehicles base is the same. So I do not think that they interfere each other. But I have not yet tried to include hiddenSelections on a soldier...

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I can not see what I'm missing. Even i've tried to make a new model, change the rvmat to these ones, and then copy-pasted all selections and wound textures still not working. Btw I've checked that model without hidding any selection and neither that worked, so it seems to confirm that hiddenSelections and wound text doesn't interfere each other, i'm wondering if maybe it's some section that has to be declared in cfgModel or something like that.

Unless or untill someone coud enlighten me about that i'm gonna re-do one of them from the begginig, checking wound text step by step, cause i feel i'm missing some stupid detail.

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As far, as I can remember, the "osobnost" section includes head and hands. This section must include the "soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat" as material, else no such wounds get displayed. The rest of the body soldier_captive_body.rvmat as material.

Have you checked unbinarized version of your soldier? The rvmat's can get tricky when binarizing without the matching rvmat's in your ca/ folder. Unbinarized versions use the rvmat's included in the games pbo's.

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Quote[/b] ]Have you checked unbinarized version of your soldier? The rvmat's can get tricky when binarizing without the matching rvmat's in your ca/ folder. Unbinarized versions use the rvmat's included in the games pbo's.

nop, I've always binarized models to test them, i'll try it without binarizing.

btw, as I've edited no rvmat my model loads a lot of materials, for each pocket and stuff I took from bis models. Checking the pictures associated with that materials all they seem to affect only objects. Can this interfere with wound texts or make other mat don't load properly?

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I do not think that those other materials interfere with the wound textures. I also use some materials for verhicles interrior and some other elements. No negative effect on the damage textures until now.

When fiddling around with BI's Su34, I had no air3 included in my CA folder. Unbinarized worked well, but binarized showed incorrect windows, caused by the missing rvmat's and paa's included in the air3 folder.

O2 displays accessible rvmat's when you open the "Resource Library" window. It shows a '?' at inaccessible and a blue bowl when accessible.

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Damn it! damage textures always worked, just I didn't remember I turned off blood effects for a performace test banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif I won't tell ya all kind of testings I've made 'till find out that cause it's quite depressing, but on the other hand i'm happy finally can release my units as this was the last detail remaining.

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