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Mr Opteron

script unit to spawn after mission start

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Is it possible to get an ai unit pilot + plane to spawn some time after a mission has started Ive searched the ARMA wiki and on here but I cant find an example of what I am to do.

The aircraft always show up too soon even igf I place them on the map edges. I need to make them spawn there later on or have them forced to stay there till a particular time.

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OK one way to do this is have some code like this activated by a trigger <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _vcl_1 = createVehicle ["A10", getMarkerPos "spawn_pos", [], 0, "FLY"];

_vcl_1 setDir (180);

_vcl_1 setpos [getPos _vcl_1 select 0, getPos _vcl_1 select 1, 40]};

_vcl_1 setvelocity [0,-300,5];

_vcl_1 forceSpeed 300;

_grp_1 = createGroup west;

"soldierWpilot" createUnit[getMarkerPos "spawn_pos", _grp_1, "spawn_pilot = this", 1, "PRIVATE"];

spawn_pilot moveInDriver _vcl_1;

_waypoint0 = _grp_1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "flyto_pos",0];

waypoint0 setWaypointType "MOVE";

To make it work you'll need a marker on the map called "spawn_pos" where the plane spawns and a second (at least) where you want your aircraft headed towards eg "flyto_pos".  180 is the direction in which you want your aircraft headed in (if you change this you may need to play with the setVelocity settings so it corresponds).  The code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vcl_1 setpos [getPos _vcl_1 select 0, getPos _vcl_1 select 1, 40]}; just places the aircraft 40 metres off the ground when it spawns (you may want to increase this).  Hopefully the rest will be pretty self explanatory.

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Great thanks mate I've tried controling the fighter planes using synchronise so they are held off till a squad has gotten to a waypoint.It works but will give you script a try too so I can add more in later to keep the war going.

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