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Sfor mission to capture karadzic was betrayed!

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I just got this off a german newsmagazine:

"Hamburg - Das "Hamburger Abendblatt" berichtet in der Montags-Ausgabe, ein französischer Hauptmann habe die Serben vor dem anstehenden Einsatz der Sfor-Friedenstruppe gewarnt. Das Blatt zitiert den US-Sonderbotschafter für den Balkan, Shaun Byrnes, mit den Worten: "Ein französischer Offizier legte die Aktion offen." Beleg dafür seien abgehörte Handy-Gespräche zwischen dem Franzosen und einem hochrangigen Offizier der bosnisch-serbischen Polizei in der Stadt Foca. Am Donnerstag habe der Franzose den Offizier um 6.26 Uhr angerufen. "Was ist los? Warum fahrt ihr (die Sfor) die ganze Nacht hier rum?" , habe der Polizeioffizier gefragt. Der französische Hauptmann habe geantwortet: "Foca und seine Umgebung ist immer für uns interessant, heute besonders." Der Serbe habe zurückgefragt: "Warum?" Die Antwort des Franzosen soll gewesen sein: "Das ist doch allgemein bekannt." Der 56 Jahre alte Psychiater ist seit 1995 vom Uno-Tribunal wegen Völkermordes, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Verstößen gegen das Kriegsvölkerrecht angeklagt."

Run it through babelfish or something if you don't know German. I can't be arsed to translate it at this time wink.gif

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" Hamburgo - " los papeles de tarde de Hamburgo " seńalan en encendido la salida de lunes, un capitán francés advirtió el Serbs antes de la aplicación pendiente de la fuerza peacekeeping de Sfor. La paginación cotiza el emissary especial para los Balcanes, Shaun Byrnes de los E.E.U.U., con las palabras: " un oficial francés reveló vale del mensaje interno " para él es discusiones prácticas oídas entre el francés y un oficial de la alto-graduación del policía de Bosnian-Serbian en la ciudad Foca. El jueves el francés llamó al oficial en 6,26 hora " que cuál es la materia? Por qué conduzca a él (el Sfor) de la noche el ron entero aquí? " el oficial de policía preguntado. El capitán francés contestado: " Foca y su ambiente están siempre para nosotros que interesan, hoy determinado " el Serb detrás-pedido: " por qué? " la respuesta del francés debe haber sido: " que es sin embargo bien sabido " los 56 ańos de viejos siquiatras es acusado desde 1995 por el tribunal de la O.N.U del genocide, del crimen contra la humanidad y de ofensas contra el derecho internacional de la guerra "

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I'm sure you did our Spanish speaking forum visitors a great favour smile.gif

Now try the same thing for English/Ingles wink.gifbiggrin.gif

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You said "Run it through babelfish or something if you don't know German. I can't be arsed to translate it at this time" You never said to translate it into English confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Mar. 04 2002,02:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You said "Run it through babelfish or something if you don't know German. I can't be arsed to translate it at this time" You never said to translate it into English  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Sometimes I wonder whether you are just acting that you are acting dumb wink.gif

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I aint that good an actor wink.gif

Welcome back Monkey smile.gif

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Yep thx i will be good for at least a week. wink.giftounge.gif

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" Hamburg - " Hamburg evening papers " reports in the on Mondays output, a French captain warned the Serbs before the pending application of the Sfor peacekeeping force. The page quotes the US special emissary for the Balkans, Shaun Byrnes, with the words: " a French officer revealed the internal message. " Voucher for it are heard Handy discussions between the Frenchman and a high-ranking officer of the Bosnian-Serbian police in the city Foca. On Thursday the Frenchman called the officer at 6.26 o'clock. " what is the matter? Why drive to it (the Sfor) the whole night here rum? " the police officer asked. The French captain answered: " Foca and its environment are always for us interesting, today particularly. " The Serb back-asked: " why? " The response of the Frenchman is to have been: " that is nevertheless well-known. " The 56 years old psychiatrists is accused since 1995 by the UN tribunal of genocide, crime against the humanity and offences against the international law of war. "

That was the babelfish translation from altavista. I got the jist but could you fix where it is utterly confusing?

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basically, SFOR was driving around all night in Foca. Bosnian-serb cop called his mate, a French captain, to ask why. French captain tells him that Foca and its surroundings are an interesting place, esp. tonight. Cop asks why. Captain says the reason is well known.

The Psychiatrist bit is about Karadzic himself.

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