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colonel well

Insects Pack

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Colonel Well,

I have recorded the giant ant sounds from the movie "Them" and (for my and my sons own entertainment) replaced your ant sound for those. It makes your biggiantants sound just like the ones from the movie "Them". If you would like, I will E-Mail you the files. thumbs-up.gif

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is there a way to keep several bugs from not being deleted ?(just need about 2 staying on the floor to be found the rest can be deleted when dead)

i have a small mission where a special forces guy is dropped on a planet with an outpost and he has to find a couple of dead bugs to figure out what happend on the planet

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is there a way to keep several bugs from not being deleted ?(just need about 2 staying on the floor to be found the rest can be deleted when dead)

i have a small mission where a special forces guy is dropped on a planet with an outpost and he has to find a couple of dead bugs to figure out what happend on the planet

yes I try to do it wink_o.gif

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Any news of this for Arma2? or just a trooper bug for arma2?

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Asking for news in a 2 and a half year old thread? Whats the use of such?

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