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KrAzEd AssassiN

Please help especially those with voodoo 4's

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It's not a big deal but its annoying, anyway the problem is little purple dots are all over the terrain. I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to be there and I was wondering if anyone knows or thinks they know how to solve the problem. Another thing is sometimes it will go away after I mess with my setting but after playing for a while they will reappear slowly. Plz Help.

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It's most likely your drivers, which ones are you using? Which OS do you have?

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My OS is Windows 98 and I have the latest driver for the Voodoo 4 and also some 3rd party ones like the Omega driver.

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using a voodoo.... hum. try disabling W-buffers, or geting a new vid board...

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Well I don't think I can disable the W-Buffer in game do you know of another way? I plan on getting a new vid card once i get my new motherboard and amd athlon xp 1800.

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Is your current CPU overclocked? What's your cooling like? Any chance you're overheating?

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Yes I am overclocked and I probably am overheating. I'm getting a new video card so I've been careless. The Voodoo 4 is default clocked at 166 i had it at 180 I'm gonna try 170 this tiem see how it goes I hope thats the problem.

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I have both Voodoo 5 and Voodoo 4 and have never seen any purple dots! In fact the game looks and plays great on either one. I use Glide at 1024x768x16 with the graphics settings turned all the way up. With the Voodoo 5 I use FSAA x2, but to get better speed I don't use FSAA at all with the Voodoo 4.

I haven't used anything but the 3dfx 1.04.01 beta drivers since I got OFP. They work the best anyway: most stable and most compatible.

Are you running in Glide? D3D sucks in comparison, all kinds of little bugs.

You may have more problems than just a driver compatibility issue sad.gif Are there any symptoms in any other games you have? Sometimes those home brewed "drivers" come with default "performance" ini settings that do nothing but screw the Voodoo up.

Try completely uninstalling per 3dfx directions: uninstall the tools, reboot, remove the card/drivers from the hardware list, then start all over using the 1.04.00 final release or 1.04.01 beta. The beta is slightly more compatible with DirectX 8, but supposedly the 1.04.00 is more stable. I have never had problems with either one and since the beta supposedly fixed a few things, I stick with it.

Just saw your reply about overclocking. The Voodoo 5 seems to show no significant improvement in frame rates with higher clock settings. I was equally amazed to see no difference in frame rates using 130 MHz instead of 166 MHz. I have never played with the clock settings on the 4, but it is the same chip, so I would expect similar results.

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Well the overclocking was the problem I guess what it was was when the card was cool the dots didn't show up but as it began to heat up they became more plentyful. Thank you all for your help.

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