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O2 blue print problem

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Hi, I'm using o2 but the ******* thing won't load any images. I followed the tutorial, changed the DLL location and evrything but it don't work. What could i do?

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are you loading .paa images? or .tga?

The lastest version of O2 doesn't load me .paa, just .tga and then the programs transform to .paa


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I tried, and when I load it this happens: Cannot convert 'D:\"Location of file".paa and it's in TGA?huh.gif?

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The image in power of 2?

256x256,256x512,512x512,512x1024 etc...

Normally its not,I make a new blank image larger than I need and paste the blueprint there.

ex: your blueprint is for example 250x499 you would make a new blank image of 256x512 and paste the blueprint there.That way your not stretching or shrinking your blueprint

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I Havn't got a P: drive. I've got D: C: and the fake Z: drives.

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If you are posting on the OFP part of the board, i assume you are talking about the OFP version of Oxygen.

In such case, you don't need a fake Z: drive like apparently the ArmA Oxygen does.

Check this link to get OFP version of O2 installed without needing those "Z:" things to use it.

Hopefully it would help to get your tga/paa file correctly located when you try to open it.

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Nope, tried it and it still comes up with that error. o2 has done nothing but annoy me so far help.gif If it's paa there is no error, just does nothing.

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Soz guys, we've done it! Thx for all your help. I loaded a paa in a tutorial, it must have been a problem converting the image to paa/tga which went wrong. Texview is verry inreliable.

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In fact, it still don't work! This is realy starting to get on my nervs Grrrrr! mad_o.gif I've been trying loads of different files, they just don't work!!!!!!!!

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