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Random Voice Script

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Hey guys,

I'm making an MP mission, and attempting to make it as realistic as possible. I've come to the conclusion I want the enemy to shout out orders, cries and general noises to their friends and enemies alike, as the player would be to his MP pals.

So I was wondering, is there a way to make all units of a certain side "say" sound files every now and again, randomly picked from a list on detection of the enemy, right up until they are killed?

I'm thinking along the lines of some mods I remember from OFP that had generic battle chanter.

Thanks guys, this is going to be one awesome mission when it's done.


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Hi.. i can help you get started a bit..

first you need yo define the sounds. you can do that in description.ext or have a #include "sound.hpp" in that file


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = { };

class DPOC1


name = "DPOC1";

sound[] = {dpoc1.ogg, db+25, 1.0};

titles[] = {};


class DPOC2


name = "DPOC2";

sound[] = {dpoc2.ogg, db+25, 1.0};

titles[] = {};


class DPOC3


name = "DPOC3";

sound[] = {dpoc3.ogg, db+25, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



class CfgSFX


sounds[] = {};


class CfgEnvSounds


sounds[] = {};


then you need to make a random number generator.

thats easy..

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

//number gen..

_rnd = round(random 2);

//what number we got?

switch (_rnd) do


case 0: {player say "DPOC1";};

case 1: {player say "DPOC2";};

case 2: {player say "DPOC3";};


you could use a trigget. which detects when enemy has activated it., then make the closes unit on you side say a random voice. if he is not to far away tho..

just and idea.. there are prolly 100th's of way of doing it..

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Wow thanks for the quick reply nuxil. I know how to define sounds etc and the randomiser is new to me.

However, I believe the tricky part is I want ALL the OPFOR to start shouting the random sounds at random intervals once they have detected a BLUFOR. Does that make sense?

Thanks again,


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I don't know the answer to your problem, but I can point you to one scripting command I think you'll need to complete your scenario. knowsAbout will tell you if a specific unit is detected by a specific unit. You could probably implement it on every unit to detect every unit, but that's a LOT of code and processing, so a more elegant solution would be ideal. Hopefully this can get you going in the right direction though.

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Yeah the problem is I'm spawing in units using the Urban Patrol Script and TakeBuilding, so applying inits and commands to a certain group is something I can't work out how to do unless the units are placed in the editor.

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