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Intruder 14th

Crash when starting from gamespy

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I have a problem launching from gamespy, the Ofp banner pops up then b4 the game window opens it just crashes. Any ideas ? I can play offline and start the game anytime except from gamespy.

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Are you running Zonealarm or anyother firewall software? Zonealarm did this same thing to me.

(Edited by Maethos at 3:49 am on Dec. 5, 2001)

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For me zonealarm did it when trying to start a game online from gamespy.  When ZA detected OFP trying to connect it would pop up it's little comfirmation dialog..just like it always does when you run a new (web accessing) prog.  The only prob here was with OFP running the little confirm thing wouldn't pop up overlaying OFP...so I couldn't see it to press ok.  Therefore it locked my system.  Nothing to do but hard reboot.  If you are running ZA shut it down when playing online/gamespy.  See if that helps.  

(Edited by Maethos at 4:47 am on Dec. 5, 2001)

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I dont have Zone Alarm but thanks for your concern. i ve had this problem periodically. Does anyone know the email for where i can send my Flashpoint.rpt to see if they can figure it out.

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(shaking from withdrawal) must... play... OFP.... (slumps over keyboard) HELP !!!! here is what i have done to try and fix this problem. I ve reinstalled different video drivers, direct X 8,changed my desktop resolution and color quality. Also reinstalled Gamespy annnnd Operation Flashpoint. Same problem i get to the "Waiting for server" screen then BAM! crash to desktop. Help me, help me (fly).

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You might give ASE a try. Far better and stable than GameSpy in my opinion.

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Well, seems like Im not the only one having problem with playing online. The Only difference is that my game do freez when coming to "wait for server". I have all the latest patches and I have closet my firewall (Norton personal firewall)... The strange thing is that it have worked a couple of times, but only a few... Can somebody please help me before I kick the game out of my computer and crash my CD???


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Yes i can Single player and Multiplayer by ip but not the gamespy launched method. I havent been able to play an online game now for 3 days. Cant think what is different since then that would be causing this prob, I think it may be my Gforce drivers but i used 3 different versions. Sometimes when i crash my desktop changes to 1024x768 which im running in the game then right back to 800x600.

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