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Vehicle/Aircraft sounds

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My suggest for ArmA II is that you bring back the interior sounds to the old level.

In ArmA I can't since patch 1.14 a car driving when I'am on 1st View because it was regulated that much. I know, its for MP so players with headset are able to talk inside vehicles but I have to admit that I heard my teammates also on Patch 1.08 well, and it was a great immersion bonus that the interior sounds where that (realistic) loud


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The demo was primarily for helicopters which you will hear less of due to pilots not only wearing headsets but just because it does sound completely different, shown in the video's linked in the sounds thread and many more that prove this fact.

It's not just for MP but for realism sake, if there is anything blocked a sound wave it will sound muffled no matter what it is, all that matters is the density of the object and what its made of to obscure the sound only a little to entirerly. This is a step in the right direction.

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