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Suggestions no DRM, other Electronic Delivery Meth

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Since this suggestion, I couldn't find in this list


I posted it here.

Please do not include DRM that is secure-Rom or any invasive software.  Secure-Rom installs hidden data that you can never uninstall with their DRM.

DRM that I do not consider malicious is Direct2Drive software and Steam.  If any other people have suggestions of other electronic delivery methods please reply in this thread, as I only know of 3.  I have used of Sprocket, but have had major problems with it.  I have also used GamersGate and have also had problems with their software.  The only ones I haven't had problems with are Impulse (Note Impulse is not DRM), Steam and Direct2Drive.

On a more worthy note, Stardocks Impulse probably is the best choice, but that is just my opinion.

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I have to agree that I really hope this game doesn't use Starforce or Securom. I know it's the publisher's decision, but BIS might be able to influence them.

Sometimes I wonder if any DRM is worth it, seeing as the game is going to get cracked anyways. It's sad, but true.

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As Colossus said it's up to the publisher what protection is used.

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