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Add mods to missions like Evolution

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Hey guys I've found some cool weapons mods and vehicles it would be good if some of them were added to missions such as Evolution and Domination.eg Apache/CH47,F-16 etc.

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Unlocked, thread title changed and pointless spam removed.

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Unpbo that mission, open it with the mission editor and do what you like. In evolution you have to work on the scripts too, to get the wanted "stuff" to the mission correctly.

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Yeah I haven't quite got around to learning the editor yet but I plan on doing it when I get some spare time. The point of my post is perhaps there should be a list of approved mods that everyone can install and those mods can be used for future mission creation. The AH64 is quite an awesome mod as it features TI, alot of the servers online tend to just use the normal installation of Arma some even don't allow mods. But an approved list would certainly add more to Arma online particularly if you look at the addon vehicles and weapons.

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its really not that hard to do, if you just wanna change addons like soldiers, vehicles, aircrafts. not even 1 hour work i guess. the big part would be to collect all needed 'n balanced addons. somehow i hoped kiljoy, the evolution maper would go for that job, propably with other maps aswell. there's so much good unused stuff out there it makes me confused_o.gif

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Maybe it would be a better idea to have a list of approved addon vehicles/weapons or have them all as a single file.

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