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Remove weapons & mando radar block problems.

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This is for a Warfare edit I'm working on but this this is editing related I will post it here.

Two questions:

1. Through a script is it possible to remove a unit's weapons and target lock capabilities?

2. Is there something wrong with trying to get this Mandoble radar block script?

The problem with the Radar script:

-No errors or anything, its just that the radar shows up like no script was added.

init<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//

//Mando no Radar

[["FU24"], 0]execVM"mando_no_radar.sqf";



Description: The description was taken out of the mission. The beginning and the end are the only things I edited so the stuff in between is something I am not worried about. (Read bold bottom part of the script for my addition as well as the top part of the script for my addition).

Quote[/b] ]class RscTitles


titles[] = {WF_Splash,CampCaptureProgress,TownCaptureProgress,EndOfGameStats,UseObject,mando_hitch_hud,mando_no_radar,mando_no_radar_block};

#include "mando_hitch\mando_hitch_titles.h"

//--- Karel 03/03/2008

class WF_Splash


idd = -1;

movingEnable = true;

duration = 10;

fadein = 0;

name = "Warfare Splash";

class controls


class BackgroundWindow:GuiText


colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};

text = "";

x = -1;

y = 0;

w = 3;

h = 1;


class InfoBackground:GuiImage


idc = -1;





text = "\ca\ui\data\marker_brush_horizontal_ca.paa";

colorText[] = {1,1,1,0.1};



class warfarelogo: GUIImageAspectRatio


x = 0.1;

y = 0.2;

w = 0.8;

h = 0.5;

text = "Images\warfare_logo_victor.paa";

colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};


class cti: GUIText


style = GUICENTER;

x = 0.-5;

y = 0.45;

w = 1.0;

h = 0.2;

sizeEx = 0.06;

text = "$STRWFSPLASH";

colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};


class copyright: GUIText


style = GUICENTER;

x = 0.0;

y = 0.95;

w = 1.0;

h = 0.02;

sizeEx = 0.025;


colorText[] = {1,1,1,0.5};




class UseObject:DefaultMenu


duration = 15000;

name = "UseObject";

onLoad = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_SetCurrentCutDisplay.sqs""";

onUnload = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_ClearCurrentCutDisplay.sqs""";

controls[] = {ObjectKeyLabel,UsableObjectIcon1,UsableObjectIcon2,UsableObjectIcon3,UsableObjectIcon4,Us


controlsBackground[] = {UseObjectBackground};

class UseObjectBackground:BackgroundWindow



x = 0.93;

y = 0.595;

w = 0.07;

h = 0.03;

colorBackground[] = {0.4,0.4,0.4,1.0};


class ObjectKeyLabel:GuiLargeText



style = GUICENTER;

sizeEx = 0.022;

x = 0.935;

y = 0.6;

w = 0.06;

h = 0.02;

colorText[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};

text = "";


class UsableObjectIcon1:GUIImageAspectRatio



x = 0.93;

y = 0.54;

w = 0.07;

h = 0.06;

colortext[] = {1,1,1,0.4};

text = "";


class UsableObjectIcon2:UsableObjectIcon1



y = 0.54-(0.06*1);


class UsableObjectIcon3:UsableObjectIcon1



y = 0.54-(0.06*2);


class UsableObjectIcon4:UsableObjectIcon1



y = 0.54-(0.06*3);


class UsableObjectIcon5:UsableObjectIcon1



y = 0.54-(0.06*4);



class CampCaptureProgress:DefaultMenu


duration = 15000;

name = "CampCaptureProgress";

onLoad = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_SetCurrentCutDisplay.sqs""";

onUnload = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_ClearCurrentCutDisplay.sqs""";

controls[] = {ProgressBar,InfoLabel};

controlsBackground[] = {ProgressBarBackground};

class ProgressBarBackground:BackgroundWindow



x = 0.3;

y = 0.01;

w = 0.4;

h = 0.06;

colorBackground[] = {0.4,0.4,0.4,1.0};


class ProgressBar:BackgroundWindow



x = 0.31;

y = 0.02;

w = 0.38;

h = 0.04;

colorBackground[] = {0.9,0.0,0.0,1.0};


class InfoLabel:GuiLargeText



style = GUICENTER;

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.03;

x = 0.32;

y = 0.02;

w = 0.36;

h = 0.04;

colorText[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};




class TownCaptureProgress:DefaultMenu


duration = 15000;

name = "TownCaptureProgress";

onLoad = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_SetCurrentCutDisplay.sqs""";    

onUnload = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_ClearCurrentCutDisplay.sqs""";    

controls[] = {ProgressBar,InfoLabel};

controlsBackground[] = {ProgressBarBackground};

class ProgressBarBackground:BackgroundWindow



x = 0.3;

y = 0.01;

w = 0.4;

h = 0.06;

colorBackground[] = {0.4,0.4,0.4,1.0};


class ProgressBar:BackgroundWindow



x = 0.31;

y = 0.02;

w = 0.38;

h = 0.04;

colorBackground[] = {0.0,0.8,0.0,1.0};


class InfoLabel:GuiLargeText



style = GUICENTER;

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.03;

x = 0.32;

y = 0.02;

w = 0.36;

h = 0.04;

colorText[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};




class EndOfGameStats:DefaultMenu


duration = 30000;

name = "EndOfGameStats";

onLoad = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_SetCurrentTitleDisplay.sqs""";    

onUnload = "_this Exec ""Client\GUI\GUI_ClearCurrentTitleDisplay.sqs""";    

controls[] = {SideWinsText,EastImage,WestImage,SoldiersRecruitedLabel,SoldiersLostLabel,VehiclesCreated








//--- Karel 30/02/2008

controlsBackground[] = {MainBackground};

class MainBackground:GuiImage


color[] = {0,0,0,1};

colorText[] = color1;

text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_gradient_start_gs.paa";

x = -10;

y = 0;

w = 30;

h = 1;


class SideWinsText:GuiLargeText



style = GUICENTER;

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.05;

x = 0.3;

y = 0.1;

w = 0.3;

h = 0.08;

colorText[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};


class EastImage:GUIImageAspectRatio


x = 0.1;

y = 0.05;

w = 0.2;

h = 0.2;

text = "\ca\misc\data\sever_vlajka.paa";


class WestImage:EastImage


x = 0.6;

text = "\ca\misc\data\usa_vlajka.pac";


class SoldiersRecruitedLabel:GuiLargeText


style = GUICENTER;

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.03;

x = 0.05;

y = 0.25;

w = 0.9;

h = 0.04;

colorText[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};



class SoldiersRecruitedCountBase:GuiLargeText


idc = IDCEAST;

style = GUILEFT;

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.06;

x = 0.05;

y = 0.3;

w = 0.2;

h = 0.1;

colorText[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};


class EastSoldiersRecruitedCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCEAST;


class EastSoldiersRecruitedBar:BackgroundWindow


idc = IDCEAST + 1;

x = 0.05;

y = 0.31;

w = 0.4;

h = 0.08;

colorBackground[] = {0.0,0.9,0.0,1.0};


class WestSoldiersRecruitedCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCWEST;

x = 0.55;


class WestSoldiersRecruitedBar:EastSoldiersRecruitedBar


idc = IDCWEST + 1;

x = 0.55;


class SoldiersLostLabel:SoldiersRecruitedLabel


y = 0.4;



class EastSoldiersLostCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCEAST + 2;

y = 0.45;


class EastSoldiersLostBar:EastSoldiersRecruitedBar


idc = IDCEAST + 3;

y = 0.46;

colorBackground[] = {0.9,0.0,0.0,1.0};


class WestSoldiersLostCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCWEST + 2;

y = 0.45;

x = 0.55;


class WestSoldiersLostBar:EastSoldiersLostBar


idc = IDCWEST + 3;

x = 0.55;


class VehiclesCreatedLabel:SoldiersRecruitedLabel


y = 0.55;



class EastVehiclesCreatedCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCEAST + 4;

y = 0.6;


class EastVehiclesCreatedBar:EastSoldiersRecruitedBar


idc = IDCEAST + 5;

y = 0.61;

colorBackground[] = {0.0,0.9,0.0,1.0};


class WestVehiclesCreatedCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCWEST + 4;

x = 0.55;

y = 0.6;


class WestVehiclesCreatedBar:EastVehiclesCreatedBar


idc = IDCWEST + 5;

x = 0.55;


class VehiclesLostLabel:SoldiersRecruitedLabel


y = 0.7;



class EastVehiclesLostCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCEAST + 6;

y = 0.75;


class EastVehiclesLostBar:EastSoldiersRecruitedBar


idc = IDCEAST + 7;

y = 0.76;

colorBackground[] = {0.9,0.0,0.0,1.0};


class WestVehiclesLostCount:SoldiersRecruitedCountBase


idc = IDCWEST + 6;

x = 0.55;

y = 0.75;


class WestVehiclesLostBar:EastVehiclesLostBar


idc = IDCWEST + 7;

x = 0.55;




  class mando_no_radar



     movingEnable = true;

     fadein       =  0;

     fadeout      =  0;

     duration     =  4;



     class mando_no_radar_block


        type = 0;

        idc = -1;

        style = 2;

        x = 0.3;

        y = 0.03;

        w = 0.4;

        h = 0.07;

font = "Zeppelin32";

        sizeEx = 0.08;

  colorText[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};

        colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

  text = "Radar blocked";




The "mando_no_radar" script is in the mission's main directory as well and it still does not work. I have also tried replacing the FU24 with a KA50 to see if it was because I was using an addon but it still does not work. Any help appreciated.

The goal here is to take a scout plane, remove its radar searching and target locking & weapon abilities so the pilot has to search search by eyesight.

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1. no not really. you could exchange the weapon types, yet as

almost all weapons can at least lock ground units..

2. what is 'FU24' - unit name or type?

3. why not check out mandoble's test mission?

4. why not post in mandoble's thread of the non radar addon? wink_o.gif

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FU24 was the unit's class name. I did check out Mandobles mission and basically inserted everything he had in his mission into mine...simply replaced the KA50 & AH1Z with the FU24 (airplane).

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hm there is a modded Warfare version out there that does use it

already - maybe check that one?

I think its the one from Matt R.

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Mandoble radar block script in its original form as long as no other script like say Mandoble MMA v2.3 or Mandoble Hitch is used on the same vehicle. Like these two addons or scripts they undo what the radar script is designed to do. At least that is what happened when I tried to combine all three.

Mandoble radar block script working as the only addon works like a charm. I am sure it is working as designed for your unit class vehicle.

You should listen to Q and make a post in Mandoble's thread. That genius seems to, if you are polite and respectful, help out anyone who is genuine.

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I'll make a post there. Matt R used the script in his 1.1.2 version (before I believe he inserted mando-hitch). I also followed this idea, opened Matt R's older version with the mission with the Radar blocking script and the same thing happened. A radar was still present.

Thanks though for the help. I'll post there instead.

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The problem might be related to mando hitch using titleRsc and the radar block using the same. But this would happen only if you are inside a vehicle that has both, hitch hud and radar block enabled. For these cases you may modify the radar block script to make sure it uses cutRsc instead of titleRsc.

In the case of Mando Missile huds, they use cutRsc, so they would be compatible with radar block as long as radar block uses titleRsc.

It is all a matter of layers, we have only two to playwith, title and cut.

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