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-UKF-SF- Shaolin -Sgt-

Kickin on certain addon

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Good Day Gentlemen,

I got a little question what do I need to do to create an auto Kick function for a server on certain addons. I mean not the way to allow this this and this addon and all others to kick I mean it vice versa to say if this and this pbo are in then kick. Basicly there are issues with xam or others who modify the Ammocrates and then server crash is the result so like said I want to get rid of this.

Thanks a lot for the answeres in advance

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Dootlittle's Dooacs will do the job for you. Install the addon serverside and edit the 'dooacsconfig.sqf' file. You will need to find out what the correct cfgPatches entry is for the addons that you want to block but this can be done by un-pbo'ing the addons files and looking it up. Dooacs does not key off the addon.pbo name only it's cfgPatches entry name. Add the addon's cfgPatches entry to the list.


Add the following to 'dooacsconfig.sqf' to block XAM 1.3 & XAM 1.4:

dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""XAM_classes"""", """"XAM_Markers""""]";

I hope this helps.

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