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MP: isNull or isPlayer

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I have this little snippet I intened to use in a medical firstaid-kit script for Domination. When I try in singleplayer, it works fine. But when I try in multiplayer, the hint returns 'scalar' on both parts.

I guess it's the _med1-3 that doesn't get set properly so the adding up doesn't work. But why? Note that I have also tried isPlayer, but also then I'm ending up with an error. I was not testing with a medic at the time, but as long as one fails, I guess the whole maths fails, so it really shouldn't matter.

I should note that the script is run local to the player from an automatic action generation, no fuzz.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

       _med1 = isNull alpha_10;

       _med1 = if (_med1) then {1} else {0};

       _med2 = isNull bravo_3;

       _med2 = if (_med2) then {1} else {0};

       _med3 = isNull charlie_3;

       _med3 = if (_med3) then {1} else {0};

       _meds = _med1 + _med2 + _med3;

       _fact = 0.3-(_meds*0.05);

       _gain = _fact * (0.8+(random 0.2));

       hint format ["Factor = %1\nGain = %2",_fact,_gain];

       player setDamage ((damage player)-_gain);

And a side question, is it good practice to change variable contents as I do in the if statement(from bool to number), in order to reduce number of variables used? Or is it better to increase the variable count and maybe readability?


For clarity: I'm testing this as only player on a dedi server with all tested slots being empty. I really only want a change to kick in if the tested slot has a human player, regardless if he is alive or not.

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Sounds like you need to do isNil checks instead. They'll probably never be null anyway, even if dead, but will probably be nil if not occupied.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_med1 = if (isNil "alpha_10") then {0} else {1};

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isNil seems to have done the trick. Thanks. Can't believe I didn't bother to try it, but the Biki on isNil at the time in this respect didn't make sense, so I discarted it. Now it doesn't.

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