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Dedicated Server will not launch missions

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Hello Everyone.

I am trying like mad to get a dedicated server up for this weekend for my LAN party so I don't have to host all the missions.

I started with the system below.

Windows Dedicate 1.14

AMD 4600 X2

2 gig ram

Xp Pro SP2

In house, no Router on a Dlink 1 gig Switch.

I didn't install the game on this system I just dragged and dropped it from my machine.

I have an Atari Downloaded version that I had to activate and I am more afraid of messing up my legal copy on my gaming rig.

I then hacked the reg and added the location and CD key to the registry(Using my cdkey from my Atari purchase.)

My Launch line is

D:\ArmA\arma_server.exe -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -profiles=D:\ArmA\ -name=server -mod=DBE1;@General;@Replacements;@Ffn

I pretty much copied the Wiki files for the above three files and just changed my server name, and the two passwords.

Server launches and creates Identity.

I log in with my gaming pc. Join server, login as admin, run the #monitor 5 and it's FPS are never lower then 46.

I use the #missions command to bring up the missions and I select one of the three missions I have configured for this weekend and it goes to the unit selection screen.

I choose a soldier, and choose OKAY, it then looks like it is launch and then sits a receiving mission file. it stays at Zero, if I hit the space bar I can see the OKAY button depress but nothing else happens.

On the server in the little window is says reading mission and just stays there. I would post my RPT but it is pretty big even if I clean it out and then launch it again, it is many lines of stuff I don't understand.

Any Help would be really appreciated.


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Addition to the above. While I was typing the above I also was in the waiting to receive mission screen so I could get the exact text of the issue, and low and behold the server switched to missions READ. and I alt tab back in and I am downloading the mission.

over nine minutes to load my mission on the server but when I host it locally only takes at most 2 minutes.

So obviously I need to tweak my settings. I copied the 12 person server settings for

I have never run a Dedicated server before, are they just slower?

I am going to test some of the default missions and see what the load time is.

I am sorry about it not being an accurate.

I didn't think to wait that long.


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Heya guys,

Missions that wont load up like the scenario you's have described is most often caused from an addon being listed in the requierd addons list inside the sqm file of your mission.If you have a soundmod running when editng the missions it will require it for the server.

Have a look in your sqm of your mission and make sure there are no unofficial addons listed in side it.You will need to delete the lines in the sqm that are not needed.Open the file with notepad and be sure to pay attention to the exact placement of coma's after you edit it.A improperly edited sqm file will crash arma and/or not allow it to be loaded in the editor.

This is the problem 99% of the time.

Hope this helps. smile_o.gif

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